Scirocco IIs never came with the FK ("close-ratio", 3.89 r&p, 0.91 5th) in the US (only early production 83 GTIs did). Late production 83 "Wolfsburg" Sciroccos came with 1.8L and 2H ("close", 3.94, 0.91), while the base model 83 Sciroccos had 1.7L and FN ("wide", 3.89, 0.71).
Some early production 84 model year Scirocco GLs did come with 1.7L engines (only in the US/CA). These early production 84 m.y. cars had the small gas tank and full spare tire well just like the 83s, but also had two front wipers (instead of just one as in 83).
As mid-year 84 changes, the larger fuel tank/mini-spare (and probably larger spoiler) was added and the 1.7L was completely dropped. BTW, any car with the big tank/mini-spare has added structural metal -- read "weight" -- in the rear, and probably cannot make weight if run as a 1.7L. That's why I always had to ballast my 83 Wolfsburg 1.8L so much!
Anyway, AFAIK, all 84 model year (production starting about 8/83) came with the 4K box (3.94 r&p, 0.89 5th). The FN actually ceased production by about 8/83. 85 and up 8V all got the 9A box (3.67 r&p, 0.89 5th).
Ok, now that my knowledge is recorded for posterity, I can finally forget all that and move on to my A3 Golf
FS: Slightly used 1983 Sciroccos (2, lightest year). Only raced on weekends (and Fridays at Lime Rock)
Best offer or trade for well-prepped Golf...
[This message has been edited by Eric Parham (edited September 14, 2004).]