10% ethanol pump gas


New member
Has anyone run into issues with the ethanol seperating after sitting for awhile in their race cars? I have friends that build race boats and they are having all kinds of problems with the new pump mixture. I guess when sitting the ethanol seperates and the remaining compound absorbs moisture from the air and becomes virtually non combustable. When the ethanol is all used up of the top the rest of the liquid in the tank is useless and would have to be drained out. Something to be careful of in the upcoming off season.
Greg - My father has a large boat and he mentioned that ethanol is creating havoc in many, many boats for the exact reasons you listed. To date I have not heard of issues in cars though. Something to think about!
Must depend on location and use. Down in the MD area most of the issues was either old fiberglass tanks leaking, near dryrotting hoses springing a leak, or the worse was sediment getting lifted out of the tank and clogging fuel filters. So far I have not heard of anyone whos boat has sat for a little while to not start up due to seperation. Maybe in the boatel racks where the movement of the water does not keep the gas shaken up.
Just thought it was worth putting out there as something to think about. Down time during the season may not be long enough, but over the course of the winter it may start to become an issue for some. Hopefully not. Like we need one more thing to worry about...
Well this year like last I plan to keep under a 1/4 tank and put treatment (same stuff we use to winterize boats) in the tank and then a near full tank of the fresh stuff in the spring. I figure that and monthly starts bringing it to full temp till I tear her apart to redo the bottom end then im golden.