13b Oil to Gas mixture


New member
What is the proper oil to gas ratio for an ITS 13b? Currently, I am using a 1:1 ratio (one ounces of oil for each gallon of gas). However, I have seen other ITS racers using 3:5 ratio (3 ounces of oil for every 5 gallons of gas). Are there any pros and cons to using 1:1 as oppose to a 3:5 ratio?

I don't think I've ever seen oil to gas mixtures decribed as ounces of oil to gallons of gas but to each his own. I run 80:1 and that's ounces of oil to ounces of gas. Get a RatioRite and make it easy on yourself. The ration is right on the side of the measuring cup and you gotta be an idiot to screw it up. Mine's 30 years old (from back in my MX days) and still works great.

With any pre-mix the pros and ocons are too little oil cuases accelated wear to the point of seazure and too much robs power, fouls plugs and in general smokes up the place.
I can't speak for anyone else but I run 1 oz. of lube for every gallon of fuel (128oz). I keep my fuel in 5 gallon jugs because I guess I'm such a wimp 5gal is about all I can easily lift at one time.

However, this makes it easy to mix 5oz of lube into a 5gal jug. Even I can keep that straight.

To be clear though this is WITHOUT the automatic lubing thingie on the motor functional. It seems to work ok. 4years on current engine and it still starts.

ITS 19
Tom of 7s Only in NorCal suggested that I mix 1.5oz to a gal. He eliminates the pump for his cars, but that's not legal for IT. He suggests the actual flow rate on the metering pump is insufficient.

At 6 miles per gallon, he feels the metering pump should have metered out about a qt in 120 miles or so.
1.5 fl oz = 1gallon fuel. 120 miles = 20 gallons of fuel, 20 x 1.5 =30, pretty close to a quart.

I've never monitored mine that closely, but, I have to say, it doesn't seem like I'm burning that much.

I will be following his advice of 1.5 to the gal, as i know the consequences of having too little.
Thanks for all the great posts guys. I really appreciate the feedback and I am glad to confirm that I am using the correct oil to gas ratio (1:1) or atleast one that provides good protection without decreasing power.
Tom of 7s Only in NorCal suggested that I mix 1.5oz to a gal.[/b]

1 gal to 1.5 oz = 85:1

OK, I don't mean to highjack the thread but while we're on the subject which oil do you guys use? When I bought the car it came with a gallon jug of Klotz R something or other and it's about empty now. What do you recommend or should I do a search?
Tom - I have been using 2 cycle engine oil from SHELL (SHELL Nautilus TC-W3). I have not had any problems and I have seen a few other ITS racers using the SHELL oil as well.

hope this helps
This is with a 12A, but it probably comes close to generalizing. Just to show what a cheap b@$t@rd I am, Captain Who and I use the little 3.2oz bottles for pre-mixing your weedeater or chain saw. Can get them in a box of 8 or 10 from Sears. Two of them in five gallons gives you a 100:1 ratio. Seems to have worked for us on THIS rebuld!
I recommend Idemitsu pre-mix. It is specifically designed for racing rotary engines and at about $5 a quart it is inexpensive compared to a lot of other pre-mix oils. Google it or jump directly to Mazdatrix.
