14x7 wheels


New member
I have a wheel manufacturer who is considerign making 14x7 wheel for SCCA racing.

I know that these were gettign scarce...whats' the market like for a light <10lbs racing wheel for about $150 each?

- Bill
I think the real market is 12lbs. @$100 per wheel.

I would buy 2 sets if there was a wheel out there that fit that description.

@ $150/wheel I am going with Panasports or Borbet type T's.
Post this same question in the Roadrace/Autocross forum at...


The same question has been floated there so there are more than one concern pursuing this option. What's the golden rule about being first to market?


EDIT - Best of luck finding any new Borbets in 14x7.

[This message has been edited by Knestis (edited December 15, 2003).]
How strong are they, and will it take a hit. I know the pans will take a hit.

Mike Machi crew chief USGUYS RACING