1984 rabbit gti


New member
hey everybody i guess i didnt scroll down far enough to find a VW specific forum but now that i am here i could use some good advice from those of you in the know.

after many years of searching i finally found a gti worth rebuilding, and i am looking for some help with where i can find some quality parts to put this beast on the track. i am currently replacing most of the fuel system to get it running to drive for awhile while i gather the parts.

mainly i am looking for some sound engine advice. from what i understand hinkernel engine builders went out and he is now building motors for nascar. i understand he built some beastly motors for some gtis and was hoping to get some insight or an engine built by him, but i think i can do it myself with some help from you folks.

second: suspension. i am a firm beleiver that with the right suspension set up horsepower can be somewhat over come so in this area i spare no expense.

lastly common issues that arise with these cars i figure the best way to find this out is by asking the folks who have been thru them. so anything would be helpful.

any sites or numbers you have would be great i managed to save quite a bit for this project and luckily the car only set me back 250.

thanks again everyone.

-Bob Jones
Follow the advice given in the post you made above.

Try vwvortex.com, go to Volkswagen, Mark 1, and everything you will ever think of has been asked before.

The FAQ post is quite helpful. And there are plenty of street hot rodders there to help you.

Enjoy your Rabbit!

As a point of information, my Rabbit GTI is classed in ITB and is allowed virtually NO engine modifications.