1997 2.0 Stock Exhaust Parts Wanted


New member
I need to replace my daughter's stock exhaust manifold, downpipe. Does anybody haved a stock set laying around after you've upgraded to a header?

This is for a 1997 A3 Jetta, 2.0 liter.


I've also got her old head, with bad valves in cyl #1. If anybody needs a core, let me know. All I'd like would be shipping costs.

I'll have to check if there's a difference between the OBD I and OBD II downpipes. If they're the same, I think I have the downpipe for you.
...and I'm pretty sure we have several exh manifolds. The only thing is whether you want to ship one of these heavy bahstahds across the whole country.
Thanks Bill and Kirk. Yes, I realize that these things weigh a ton.

I broke off one of the 6 bolts, between the mainfold and the downpipe. I didn't have all of the drill / tap extensions to get the bolt replaced, without removing it from the car.

She'll have to live with a bit of an exhaust leak until Thansgiving when she can come back to CA, and I can spend another weekend working on her car.

At last I had a cross flow head lying around. I was thinking of using it on my Scirocco with dual webers, and having the horns pointing forward. Looked like a good setup, exhaust out the rear, intake in the front. Why didn't VW come up with a cross flow head back in 1975?
