1st gen RX-7 large axle versus small axle diameter


New member
I am in the process of procuring a pumkin, pig, 3rd member or whatever you care to call the differental assembly that carries the ring & pinion for a 1st gen RX-7. I live in a diferent state than the seller. The seller does not know if the deal is from a small or large axle rearend. He has no axles. Without an axle how does one determine if the assembly is for a small or large axle?

The large axle has 26 splines & is 1.060 diameter over the splines.

How many splines are on the small axle & what diameter over the splines is the small axle ?


Thanks Ray

I had made a feeler gauge this p.m. out of .023 thick material x 1.067 wide which just slip fits through the splines. I feel much better knowing the number of splines & the diameter. Can now pass on the info & complete the deal if the sellers splined gears have 26 teeth.

Have Fun
