1st gen steering lock


New member
So i looked through archives about disabling a steering lock. I came across a post that said to drill a 3/8 hole in a location specifed at mazspeed.com. I looked it up on their site. Is that all there is to it? X marks the spot?

And if the instructions are unclear or you think something needs to be added, I'll update the Mazspeed posting to include it. Its easier than you would expect...
Dave, where ya been ? Is disabling as Spec737 states & removing as rule 17.1.4.D.10.b states the same thing ?

You know me, always

Have Fun

Geez Dewhurst, one little post to help someone out and I get jumped by the rules nerdz.....

Rule says to remove the steering LOCK. Doesn't say anything about the ignition switch, ect. The prescribed method removes the pieces that cause the ignition switch to lock, causing it to be an unlocked ignition switch. I would therefore argue that the "lock" is removed, while not removing the "switch", which a rules nerd might disagree with. And if you ripped the whole dang switch out, a prudent tech inspector would probably remember that the purpose of this rule is first and foremost safety. Who cares, as long as the steering wheel doesn't stop steering.....

Is there a group of people out there that never race because they never can get the committee to agree that the car is now perfectly legal? Probably.....

This is not the thread to start a rules nerd flame war on. There is no such thing as an illegal car at driver school, UNLESS the safety requirements are not met. This is one of those safety requirements. In fact, it is one of the most frequently overlooked, causing many folks to lose sleep the night before driver school, or work on the car after getting caught at school tech. If you have a preferred method of removing the lock, please feel free to post it on the internet for all to review. Or offer to go show the new guy how to do it. But don't scare him off by making him question whether he is doing the right thing. We're supposed to be ambassadors welcoming new folks into the sport and helping them along, not making them run to the lawyer for legal advice.

>/ Soapbox mode off /<

Coming to mid ohio next year? Everyones switching to the streetport SRX7 class. Should be fun!
Street Port SRX7? That's opening a can of worms! I would love to hear an alternative method of removing the lock, but I haven't yet found one out there. I FOR ONE DON"T WANT TO BE ILLEGAL!