1st gen toe setting, just a ball ark

Scott Nutter

New member
I just took the car off of jack stands and loaded it on the trailer for the Race this weekend @ Nelson Ledges and visualy noticed quite a bit of toe out. I really didn't notice the car behaving badly last time out but it seems a bit excessive and I've been having a problem keeping it on the tarmac this year (getting faster though!). I'm sure it's going to get sunny, warm and dry this weekend so I figured I woud adjust it at the track. I seem to remembe 1/4" out being in the ball park, anyone care to comment?

1/4" out seems excessive to me. I have owned too many race cars since my first gen to know exactly what all my alignment settings were. But, I have never ran 1/4" out on anything I've raced.

I'd go with 1/16" to 3/32" out and see what you think.
The roundy-round boys use some toe-out to enable a better turn-in at the next corner (real soon)
Toe-in gives you straight line stability. Without it you'll be herding your car down any straightaway.
(not a good feeling). Zero toe-in (if you're brave) or 1/16" toe-in would be my setting.

#97 ITB Golf
#11 GP Golf
Didn't mean to give the hillbilly a "bad steer". It's just that alignment on race cars is not black and white.
Sure a little toe-out (1/8") gives one an advantage in cornering. The inside wheel turns the car through
the corner quicker by developing slip angle before the weight is transfered to the outside wheel. Great feeling as the car feels faster transitioning through the corner(probably is). But the trade-off is straight line stability and especially control under hard braking. Just imagine the front suspension geometry in a car without heim joints. The large forces under hard braking transform the toe from tolerable into a bear with all the movement in the suspension components becoming lots of toe-out. Much fun staying balanced after braking at the end of a long straight going into the next corner.
There are loads of info out there on race car suspension and tire dynamics. Pick your poison.

Just my 2 cents

I run less toe. Pretty much zero, which, when running probably winds up being 1/16th toe out.

Toe can help turn in, but it's not always an advantage in the corner, as there is often Ackerman designed in. And RX-7s have spacer units with more ackerman available from several suppliers.
Well, I forgot my tape measure so I ran it the way it was. Didn't seem bad, turned a personal best on Sat., Sunday was just down right miserable with mid 40s and drizzle. I have one more outing this weekend so I think I'll try setting it at zero in my garage. BTW I do have turn in spacers on the front.

Thanks Again