20 gal fuel cell setup


New member
i'm looking for reliable info on fuel cell setup for a CRX Si running in ITA. the car is for long enduros. please feel free to PM with additional info...thanks

keep in mind i'm looking for reliable and good quality.

here is what i'm looking at:

cell: 20 gallon / maybe 18
check valves
fuel pumps / dual?
install experience
filters, etc
reliable, can count on, A#1, will survive heavy damage, attracts the girls, and works like a horse.

i know there is alot of knowledge out there...help a brother out.

~Slacker J
Find your local short track stock car outlet and get their advice. We sporty car racers forget that you've just described standard circle track stuff. I've seen used dry breaks for a 1/4 of what they cost new, for sale in the local track newsletters.

I have a fuel cell in my CRX in ITA. I used an ATL 12 gal cell with an internal sump. The cell has to have an outlet, vent and return line fitting. To provide fuel I used two pumps, a high volume Holley centrifugal pump and a Bosch high-pressure pump. The Holley pumps to the Bosch, which provides the high pressure, needed at the injectors.
The pumps are powered by direct hot wire from the battery to a 30-amp relay, which is controlled by the stock fuel pump wiring. It worked perfect from day one.

can you give some further detail on your pump and location setup?? what model pumps are you running?? any additional info would be great...if your willing to share

feel free to email me at:

[email protected] (remove the XX)


Hey uh if your running Enduro`s You may not have more than 10% over fuel of the stock tank. You should check it out before you cut or buy.

Scott Haven CRX Si 09 NER ITA
i have done many enduros over tha past couple of years and never have they mandated a 10% OE fuel load rule. they do however usually put a limit to fuel capacity at around 22 - 25 gallons. thanks for the info though..

Hi Now I said this out of a hear say from a friend that is a tech with NER.
I myself would love to put in a cell,I two am wanting to do Enduro`s. I Have just bought my CRX last Oct.I ran it out of fuel to see how far it would last and when I got down to 1/4 tank it started to die out. A fellow CRX driver told me he had trouble making it an hour but he has a heavy foot. I ran an enduro for an hour and ran with a light foot out of the corners and was able to have no fuel problems. So if your saying that you can put a cell in to make 1 stop on a 3 hour enduro then that would be worth 2 + laps with me doing most of the work. Let me know how it goes. I guess a ? I would have would then be the containment area.
Scott CRX 09 NER ITA [email protected]