2009 Results


New member
I can't believe nobody's posted anything about the weekend yet. Come on guys, start braggin'/complainin'.
Lap charts to be posted on mylaps?

Anyone know when the IT Fest lap charts will be posted to mylaps.com?
Why did that blue CRX look like a drunken sailor on Sunday morning?

Saturday afternoon group 5 race, Ryan Scott ITC CRX turn...14? Left hander at the end of thunder valley.

We found the front Honda logo while walking the track on Sat evening.

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Nice, and your spin from my view...
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I need to spend more time on the computer and less in the garage. I didn’t even know the www.roadracingautox.com site existed! For those who still monitor this site, I will start a discussion on the ITS race. I have seen very little on the ITS race so far!

Wow, what a weekend for the # 81 ITS Mazda Team!! Thanks to the Cincinnati Region for a fantastic event.

We left Chicago on Thursday cautiously optimistic about our chances for victory in the ITS race. The car has the speed, but you never knows what a race weekend will bring. My only two previous trips to Mid-Ohio in 1986 and 1993 both ended with severely bent race cars!

When we arrived, we met Willy Church. Willy epitomizes what club racing is all about. He was extremely helpful in answering all my silly questions ranging from the racing line, local hot shoes to where is the false grid. Thank you Willy!

The first test session Friday night was a throw–away for me. I scuffed tires, bedded brakes and then pitted after 5 laps.

The second test session was certainly eye-opening. I had forgot how challenging Mid-Ohio really was! Midway through the session, I saw Kevin Ruck approaching from behind. I let him go (as if I had a choice). I then took chase. That was the best learning experience possible. Thank you Kevin! By the end of the session, I was feeling much more comfortable.

I continued my learning curve during the third test session. Unfortunately, I never found anyone to chase so I was on my own to set the pace. I was just a fraction off where I has been in the second session.

Qualifying Saturday morning was uneventful. With fresh tires, I put it on the pole, seven tenths faster than my fastest time on Friday night. The top five were Rich Walke, Michael Lattanzio, Charles Tobel, Willy Church and Keith Wise.

Race 1 was exciting to say the least. I took the lead out of Turn 1. I build up a several second gap in the opening laps. Michael broke early on. Then Willy passed Charles for second. Charles and Keith fought for third the remainder of the race. Meanwhile, Willy closed the gap on me. On Lap 5 I then got bogged down with a lapped car and Willy shot by. I chose to follow him for several laps to size up the situation. By mid- race, I decided it was time to see what I had for him. I closed the gap and tucked into his draft. On Lap 15, coming out of the Keyhole I pulled inside and we ran side by side down to the Esses. I pulled ahead going into Turn 5 to take the lead. I then held it until the end, winning by 1.0 seconds. The top five were Rich Walke, Willy Church, Keith Wise, Charles Tobel and Mark Keefer. It was a good, clean race.

I woke up several time Sunday morning to the sound of raindrops on the roof of the motor home. All I could think of while I lay awake was heading the field on a wet track I have never even driven in the rain! An hour before the start of our race the rain stopped. However, with no sun, it wasn’t drying. We some advise from Willy, we decided to be conservative and go out on rains. When we got to the grid roughly two thirds of the cars were on dries. I couldn’t help but wonder what do they know that I don’t! I chose to start driver’s right. It turned out to be a good decision, as I got a good run through Turn 1 and took a clear advantage as we headed towards Turn 2. I tiptoed around the first few laps trying to learn the wet line. Despite that, I still pulled out a several second gap. Keith, on dry tires, got past Willy early on.. By mid-race, Keith was closing fast. Clearly the advantage was switching over to those on dry tires. On Lap 7, Keith dove under me going into the Keyhole. He just motored by on the dry line. I kept the pressure on, but he drove a great race and took the win. The top five in ITS were Keith Wise, Rich Walke, Matthew Carson, Willy Church and Mark Keefer. Keith’s margin of victory was 0.9 seconds. The drive of the race was turned in by Scott Giles, taking third overall in an ITB car. After the race, I felt very relieved. We survived the rain race and were still in good shape for the overall title.

I started second behind Keith in the third race. Keith and I ran side by side from the green flag all the way to the Keyhole. I took the lead going into the Keyhole by virtue of being on the inside. From there I slowly pulled out. After the first couple laps the order was Rich, Willy, Charles and Keith. Early on, Willy seemed to get the better breaks in traffic and would close back up. Later on, I seemed to get the breaks. By mid-race, Charles and Keith got by Willy. They began closing the gap. By the end of the race, Charles had closed right up behind me. My margin of victory was 1.7 seconds. The top five were Rich Walke, Charles Tobel, Willy Church Keith Wise and Mark Keefer.

With two wins and a second, I took the overall championship. The top five were Rich Walke, Keith Wise, Willy Church, Mark Keefer and Charles Tobel.

What a great event! I would like to thank my loyal crew, Andrew Zizzo, Rich Riedel, Robert Walke, Rick Haydon, Helen Haydon, Mark Walke and Sam Hockberg. Without them, I could never have pulled this off. I would also like to thank Sylvain Tremblay and David Haskell at SpeedSource for all the help they have given me over the years.

My car is for sale. If I don’t sell it, I’ll be back next year!
Ryan, It was great meeting you and your wife. I think you did a great job getting the car ready to race on sunday. I know you said you had a lot of help so great job to all that had a hand in getting the car back on track.

Ryan, It was great meeting you and your wife. I think you did a great job getting the car ready to race on sunday. I know you said you had a lot of help so great job to all that had a hand in getting the car back on track.


We enjoyed meeting you also.
I really can't express how cool (nearly) everyone has been that we've met during race weekends this year. Everyone in our group is great on and off the track, and thankfully their cars seem to hold together so they're usually available to help wrench on mine. I think we finally have the car sorted (lesson learned, don't buy a car that has sat in a field for two years), now if we can just get the nut behind the wheel to keep it on the track... :blink:
The second test session was certainly eye-opening. I had forgot how challenging Mid-Ohio really was! Midway through the session, I saw Kevin Ruck approaching from behind. I let him go (as if I had a choice). I then took chase. That was the best learning experience possible. Thank you Kevin! By the end of the session, I was feeling much more comfortable.
Haha - You're welcome, and I'm glad I could help! Congrats on the win.:D