2012 Schedule


New member
Copied over from the other post in NE forum.

Great lakes Schedule:

http://www.greatlakes-scca.org/files/2012 GLDiv Club Racing schedule_1.pdf

0 Gingerman races except for a double national.

The double regional/national at Grattan Aug 11-12 seems odd. Don't usually see a double regional and double national the same weekend. Usually its a single regional/Double national.

Will need to decide how many times to haul down to Mid O next season.

Oooo just noticed June 8-9 is a regional at Mid O the same weekend Gran Am is running. Another IT-Miata shoot out?
IT Spec*tacular and Grand Am at IMS on the same weekend is a bummer......

OVR/Cincy Regional/Double National on the same weekend as IndyCar/Grand Am in Detroit also......

4 races at Gratten, 7 at Nelson, and 8 at MO.
Bill, you need to come to Grattan next summer - you'll love it (well, maybe not immediately - there's a lot to learn). There should be a good group from Ohio there Memorial weekend.
Virtually nothing early in the year.
Three straight national/GA support races in June.
Back to back regionals and 4 out of 6 weekends in July-Aug? Ugh.
Nothing in September.
WOR loses the Mid Ohio date.
Not a lot to jump for joy about .
Does anyone know if they are going to invite ITR to the restricted regional during the grand am race weekend? I would like to go but we also have a double race at lime rock park which would be just as fun and a lot closer to home... I love watching grand am so mid ohio would definitely be high on my list if we are invited!

Does anyone know if they are going to invite ITR to the restricted regional during the grand am race weekend? I would like to go but we also have a double race at lime rock park which would be just as fun and a lot closer to home... I love watching grand am so mid ohio would definitely be high on my list if we are invited!


Mid ohio regions for some reason hate ITR they always try and stick us in Big Bore which really sucks! I love Mid Ohio to bad the regions hate me!

I would really like to go if they do invite ITR. I could probably get my brother and my buddy Tim to go as well in ITB and ITS. I just need to know in advance before we all make plans to go to LRP and support our own region!

I am sure a few lurkers are reading this that may be able to give us a heads up.?. Please ;)

Tom, other than my SCCA race license, what else is required to race at Waterford?

The biggest hurtle most drivers have coming to Waterford Hills is the sound limit we have. Our limit is 75 dB. The only weekend we do not have that regulation is during Vintage weekend. It is a township ordinance.

Other then that, we follow the SCCA rule book. Bring your car, SCCA logbook and driver's suit and you are good to go. We have some additional classes and make adjustments to the rules to allow double entries. Like if your Miata/Neon is classified in SM/SN, then it also passes the ITA rules.

If you can get your car in the sound limit range, come join us, because it is the cheapest way to get on the track! I am not sure if the price has changed, but for $205, you get 20 minute qualifying session, and 3 races of 10 laps. And Fridays for $20, gets you 30 minutes of practice time.

Vaughan, feel free to chime in!
One thing to add to the sound limit - you are required to have a muffler. By law. Regardless of how quiet you may be without, no-one's allowed on track without a muffler, period.

Note, however, that the sound setup is a bit different than the SCCA standard - so it ends up not being quite as tight as some may think. If in doubt, best bet is to contact someone from Waterford with a similar car (or ask to be put in touch with one), to provide direction on suitable setups.

It's a tight, technical, challenging track - like a Monaco, or Bristol if you prefer. ;)

IT fields are strong, particularly ITS and ITB - usually have at least 6 local cars running in the latter.

I'll emphasize again, 3 races per weekend - short but intense! Format is much like the IT-Fest, only one practice/quali session Sat AM, then we just race! Also - trophies for every race (top 3 per the usual GCR participation standards).

STU/STL/STO are also regulars.

Also, if you have someone sharing your car - we have a co-driver race (Sat end of day), chance for someone else to get in the car for cheap ($50 IIRC?) and run a race. Great for rookies, it's a real mix of cars (all tin-tops) and talent, but less-crowded track.

Plus of course there's usually a BBQ or similar food event Saturday, and then awards presentation Sunday at the Clubhouse 1 hr after racing's done.

We also do touring laps at lunch, for donation to the worker fund, and usually have a car show Saturday on the Hill - musclecars, britcar clubs, Corvette club, etc - each weekend. I still remember the weekend the Festiva club showed up... ;)

It's a small but very friendly paddock, with lots of bench-racing at the end of the day; if you can come to grips with the most challenging track in the Cendiv/MWDiv area, it's a lot of fun!

All of us regulars, no matter how far afield we range, keep coming back - you can't beat the value or the racing.

If you need a reminder of how close and exciting the racing is...
YouTube Video
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Oof. Side dump with two resonators, no muffler. I'd have to come up with a new exhaust....

So... what's the difference between a resonator and a muffler, again? ;)

Actually, does bring up a good point, in that they have to be "commercially-available" from what I remember. So home-grown/homemade stuff I don't think will cut it.

As for that race - I lost... by a nose... still fun tho! :eclipsee_steering: