2nd Gen Caliper Fitting


New member
I'm converting from 4-lug to 5-lug hubs - small brakes to big brakes. Previous owner install SS lines for the 4-lug system. The brake line has a screw-in fitting with a copper washer - the threads extend about 5/8" into the caliper. The 4-piston caliper has a "nub" (is that a word?) in the brake line connection cavity that limits the thread penetration to about 3/8". No such thing in the single-piston caliper. The parts car with the 4-piston brake line is gone so I can't see what the factory setup looks like.

So, what's up? Why are they different? Do I need a different SS line? Adapter fitting? I'm calling Mazdatrix tomorrow night if y'all can't help.


Marty Doane
ITS RX7 #13
CenDiv WMR
The two lines are not compatible from what you're saying. The 4 piston caliper uses a flexible line that runs to short piece of hard line that attaches to the caliper. This hard line uses a flare fitting. The flare in the caliper is what is keeping the straight fitting you're using from seating all the way. You'll need the short piece of hard line and new SS lines for the four piston setup.

Download the microfiche from the Mazdacomp website and look up the hard lines. I looked up some other brake lines the other day and was surprised how cheap they were. Probably about $5/per.

Chris Ludwig
08 ITS RX7 CenDiv
It took all night "sleeping on it", then I had a flashback about that hard line. It all makes sense now. Thanks much for the info.

Seems like that hard line would make rotor replacement a real pain...

Chris, if I don't make it to IRP will I see you at Grattan? If I don't make some serious progress over last year you're going to clean my clock.


Marty Doane
ITS RX7 #13
CenDiv WMR
The hardline doesn't effect the rotor replacement. Just remove the clip that holds the hard and soft like to the strut and the soft line lets you move the caliper where ever you need to. Just don't crimp the hard line.

I dunno what the budget is this year. I'm going to St Louis next weekend and plan on IRP. ALWAYS want to go to Grattan and am planning on it. I'm week to week though and never can tell.

Chris Ludwig
08 ITS RX7 CenDiv
If you haven't already, let me say again, download the fiche from Mazdacomp. they make the visualizations easier.

Chris Ludwig
08 ITS RX7 CenDiv
Originally posted by C. Ludwig:
If you haven't already, let me say again, download the fiche from Mazdacomp. they make the visualizations easier.

Oh ya, I've been using them for a year now. In this case, I think I would have needed to know the issue in order to look in the right place. I called Mazdacomp today and ordered all the parts I need. You were a big help.

I'm really waffling on whether to come to IRP in May. Have you been there? What's it like? Talk me into it.


Marty Doane
ITS RX7 #13
CenDiv WMR
It's flat and rough. And if it rains the dragstrip/front straight is trecherous. Other than that I really like it.
It's really a decent course. Some interesting turns and what not. Pretty fast. Best part is being in Indy and hitting the indoor kart tracks after the racing is over.

Chris Ludwig
08 ITS RX7 CenDiv
Yeah, thankfully Sears Point repaved and redesigned the track to eliminate the drag strip from the main straight.. I've got some great photos of cars spinning down the front straight in the rain as they hit those patches..

Originally posted by C. Ludwig:
It's flat and rough. And if it rains the dragstrip/front straight is trecherous. Other than that I really like it.
It's really a decent course. Some interesting turns and what not. Pretty fast. Best part is being in Indy and hitting the indoor kart tracks after the racing is over.

The indoor kart track in the old RR station rocks! One of my prouder moments in racing is setting FTD one Saturday night after 8 laps. (I was in the penaly box for the rest...I didn't deserve it, I didn't hit hime, he spun in front of me! Why couldn't they see that?!)

They have cool displays with lap times right on the steering wheel!

Good thing I don't live there, or I'd be broke!

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]

[This message has been edited by lateapex911 (edited March 19, 2004).]
We did a test day at IRP a couple years ago. Was on the track for 2 hours at least. Maybe more. I remember it being very hot. Left the track and went to the kart track and did two sessions and was one hell of alot more tired from driving the karts! Those things will grip and flat wear you out. Developed a new respect for kart racers that day.

Chris Ludwig
08 ITS RX7 CenDiv

I think you'll like IRP. It's one of my favorite tracks.

Very fast! You hold your breath thru 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5.........whew!

Kinda bumpy but I've seen worse. Scarey if it rains IMHO, the front straight doesn't drain well and the drag strip area (turn 15) can get really slick.

It is not a forgiving track however. There are some places that if you screw up, it will hurt, such as turn 2,3,4, and 5. If you screw up 3, blow off the corner and save the car! Fortunately, the fastest corner (turn 1) does have a lot of runoff, but you will need to get your suit cleaned if you screw up...if you catch my drift.
OK, you guys have convinced me. I'm officially leaning towards going.
BTW, MazdaSpeed got me new SS lines and the hard lines I needed in two days - car is back together and pretty well ready for tech inspection/test/tune day in two weeks.
* New quarterpanel
* New numbers on the way
* New front Koni's (the old ones were trash)
* New 5-lug hubs/big brakes (Carbotech XP9/8)
* New Kosei wheels
* New S04 Hoosiers (wohoo - byebye Khumo)
...and I'll still be riding around in the back.

Marty Doane
ITS RX7 #13
CenDiv WMR
Group: Marty the track is bumpy, fast, slick as snot if it rains and there are a couple turns that can really bite ya.

Marty: Man! Sounds like fun! Count me in!

My kinda guy!

Chris Ludwig
08 ITS RX7 CenDiv

What is involved with this brake upgrade?
How much bigger are the pads and 5 bolt rotors? I have yet to buy wheels, so now is the time.

Any fab work or is it all bolt on? What about a source for the rotors and calipers?

Jerry Lee
ITS RX7 2nd Gen
Ex-knuckle draggin' ASRacer
Originally posted by Jerry Lee:
What is involved with this brake upgrade?
You've got to get some parts from a junker.
* Hub
* Calipers?
* Caliper mount
* Axle flange (or hub assembly)
* Calipers?

And some new parts:
* Front brake line from wheel well to strut
* Front brake line from strut to caliper

The rear axle flanges are pressed into the wheel bearings. I don't know if they can be pressed out without damaging the bearings - mine were wrecked. If you got a whole rear hub assembly with good bearings you could swap the whole thing and avoid pressing the flange out/in. RX7club.com is a good source for stuff like this.

The calipers I took off my parts car were junk, so I exchanged for rebuilt from Autozone (rear) and NAPA (front). Rotors came from NAPA ($22.50 each).

<font face=\"Verdana, Arial\" size=\"2\">How much bigger are the pads and 5 bolt rotors?</font>
Front pad area: 47 sq mm vs 43.
Rear: no difference
Front rotor: 230 mm vs 204
Rear: 237 (vented) vs 225 (non-vented)
The 5-bolt front calipers are 4-piston vs single-piston for the 4-bolt setup.

<font face=\"Verdana, Arial\" size=\"2\">Any fab work or is it all bolt on?</font>
I needed my Harbor Freight 12 ton press to press the rear flanges and bearings out/in - then I had to get my NAPA shop to remove the bearing race from the flange.
I got wheels with an offset (27 mm) that required a 7/32" wheel spacer in front for my tire size (225 Hoosiers). With the wheel spacer, I didn't have enough lug threads left, so I got longer (2.5") wheel studs and pressed them out/in.

Marty Doane
ITS RX7 #13
CenDiv WMR
Where do you download the Microfische from? I have the MF sheets, but it's a PITA to get to a view since the only one is at the San Jose main library which is 10 miles away, and I'm lazy

Originally posted by Silkworm:
Where do you download the Microfische from?
You have to be a registered racer at www.mazdamotorsports.com. If you aren't already, do it because you get all the Mazda stock parts and lots of competition parts at discount prices. If you are registered, login and look for "Parts Catalog". There are clickable boxes for RX-7, Miata, and Protege. They've got several PDF files with all the parts info. As Chris mentioned, the graphics in the PDF files are often helpful in seeing how the car goes together - in addition to giving you the correct part number if you need to order something.

Marty Doane
ITS RX7 #13
CenDiv WMR
Hey guys.

I want to register for the Mazdamotorsports, but I have a reluctance to release my Social Security Number. Has anyone had difficulty after giving it to that group? I will need to register before I begin building, but I'm trying to be cautious.

Any feelings on the issue?


Good racing.
