2nd GEn


New member
:bash_1_: Backed out of trailer last night car quit. no power to pump so we picked up power from another source flip switch on and now have fuel pressure. Still no start! put 5 gals of fuel in to be sure. So got the spark plug/wire tester no spark. Now Noticed a piece hanging from under the dash sorta looks like a reostat? Also last week working on car and discovered car could be stated with out the clutch being in. Possible if clu5tch swith malfuncting prevents spark. Plugs are fine clean and drive.??????????????? Thanks Tom Weaver
Okay, so I assume that it is cranking, but not starting? Dumb question, but did you check all the fuses?

With the key in the "on" position, are you getting power to the dash? Is the wiper working?

AH HA problem found the reostate thing was actually the fuel injection activation switch up in dash has points in it. It is fused had blow 2 fuses> Good to go leaving about 2:00 Pm 10Hours.