I've been racing an '80 chassis, and I had to add ballast to make minimum weight; While the bumpers may be heavier, they have proven to be quite, ah, forgiving when people try to divebomb into a corner. If you compare to the later chassis, the 79/80s have bracing right behind the seats, which is removed on later chassis. I think this bracing was lighter than the reinforcing that Mazda did in the later years so that they could take the braces out (and make the car a 2+2 in some markets?)
There is a wiring difference from 80 to 81 distributors, as well, due to the igniter design - the 80s are remote, 81 on the distributor.
One more warning about the brakes lines, though; The master cylinders have different mountings to the firewall, and are not interchangeable - so don't think you can just swap later stock parts - I turned back, after realizing that it isn't a clean swap.
Good luck - but I think it's a good choice.
Dave Youngren