80 A1 Scirocco in Florida

At this point (7 PM EDT) there is a little more than 2 hours left, and bidding has climbed to $710 because one buyer apparently wants this car really bad. Based on the last 2 Sciroccos I purchased, this one went out of the ballpark at $210, maybe $300 because it likely hasn't been sitting as long. However the reserve was $600. I bid once ("plumjackrabbit") at $100, but since I haven't paid over $200 yet, I dropped out quickly.

If you really need one, this appears to be a decent one, but "cortesmac" seems to want it so bad, you'll have to snipe in at the last second and probably bid more than $800.

Every EBay seller's dream!

Don Horner
Port St. Lucie, FL