To all that have assisted me in increasing my knowledge – thanks!
I am going to receive a 5MGE with 114K miles on it. It has been pressure tested, the front and rear seals have been inspected and certified “OK”, the head has been popped off and an internal test/inspection done, they are giving me a 90 day warranty. Now I am met with a conundrum. Do I install it and “test-drive” it to insure that I’m not getting a lemon or do I send it off to get the cylinders honed and the head done to meet ITS allowances? The installation and removal process would be good practice for me but is it worth it?
Also, you guys have given me some great suggestions as to what should be done within the engine well while the engine is on vacation, what would be recommended regarding the actual engine while I have it out and easily transportable?
What should a good price to get the cylinders honed and the head work done?
F.Y.I. I am aware of the work Wes H. in N. Florida has done so that's got me a little ahead of the game...
Larry W.
I am going to receive a 5MGE with 114K miles on it. It has been pressure tested, the front and rear seals have been inspected and certified “OK”, the head has been popped off and an internal test/inspection done, they are giving me a 90 day warranty. Now I am met with a conundrum. Do I install it and “test-drive” it to insure that I’m not getting a lemon or do I send it off to get the cylinders honed and the head done to meet ITS allowances? The installation and removal process would be good practice for me but is it worth it?
Also, you guys have given me some great suggestions as to what should be done within the engine well while the engine is on vacation, what would be recommended regarding the actual engine while I have it out and easily transportable?
What should a good price to get the cylinders honed and the head work done?
F.Y.I. I am aware of the work Wes H. in N. Florida has done so that's got me a little ahead of the game...
Larry W.