91 RX7 transmission advice needed


New member
Finally got the RX7 I acquired rolling around on suspension! Now I have a new problem. This is either damage that occurred from the previous owners wreck (30mph into a ditch), or possible shifter damage when the punks in the impound lot were stealing the stereo system.

Manual transmission:

If you put it in neutral and let out the clutch it is in reverse. Reverse works great (gets funny looks from everyone else on the road though).

If you put the shifter anywhere else and let out the clutch, no energy is being transferred to the wheels, but there is enough drag inside the trans to kill the engine.


do you get 5th gear???? does it stall in 5th gear????? if answer is no then shift fork is broken or bent.[5th/reverse]
anyway i would recommend take apart tranny to inspect.:shrug:
Finally got the RX7 I acquired rolling around on suspension! Now I have a new problem. This is either damage that occurred from the previous owners wreck (30mph into a ditch), or possible shifter damage when the punks in the impound lot were stealing the stereo system.

Manual transmission:

If you put it in neutral and let out the clutch it is in reverse. Reverse works great (gets funny looks from everyone else on the road though).

If you put the shifter anywhere else and let out the clutch, no energy is being transferred to the wheels, but there is enough drag inside the trans to kill the engine.


Stuck in two gears, shear pin broken, clutch hub slider springs broken,worn shift fork and
one of the clutch hubs has gone over center.
I had a customer a while back in a third gen RX-7 that had a mild accident and the tranny got stuck in reverse. IIRC it was related to the shifts rods getting out of sequence. It only took removing the tailshaft housing and getting things back in sequence to fix it. It could also be as bad as what people mentioned above about bent shift forks and the like. Either way case removal would be required.