944 Progress update

Team SSR

New member
We finally got some laps on our 944 ITS car. We ran with Turn One at CMP Saturday (11-12). We had a small oil leak that shortened our day, but all-in-all everything went well. We ran some old RA1's that we had sitting around and still managed to get into the 2:01's. There were a lot of cars in our run group, so it was hard to get a full lap in to time.
Our plan is to do the SCCA license school in January to be able to compete in 2006.
If anyone is interested, I have some build-up pictures on my website: http://www.saltedslugracing.com/porsche944its
Originally posted by Team SSR@Nov 14 2005, 05:43 PM
We finally got some laps on our 944 ITS car.  We ran with Turn One at CMP Saturday (11-12).  We had a small oil leak that shortened our day, but all-in-all everything went well.  We ran some old RA1's that we had sitting around and still managed to get into the 2:01's.  There were a lot of cars in our run group, so it was hard to get a full lap in to time.
  Our plan is to do the SCCA license school in January to be able to compete in 2006.
  If anyone is interested, I have some build-up pictures on my website:  http://www.saltedslugracing.com/porsche944its

Great pictures and great project car.. I built a 924S as an IT car and went to SCCA shcool with it. Sold the car and built an E/P car. The IT car was fun. Keep your progress posted so the other 944 guys can see whats new and how you are doing.

Oh Yeah! Dont get mad but is that an opossum in the passanger side of the car or is that your dog? HA!!!!!

Originally posted by latebrake@Nov 14 2005, 10:05 PM
Oh Yeah!  Dont get mad but is that an opossum in the passanger side of the car or is that your dog? HA!!!!!


Well he was a stray, but I'm pretty sure the vet would have said something about getting an oppussum fixed :)
We think of him as sort of a mini-Yeti because he is usually very elusive.

We plan to go back to CMP on Dec. 3rd with some better tires and a new rear main seal.