A3 spring rates for sprint racing?


New member
What spring rates are you guys in the A3's running for sprint racing? I got a free set of Bilsteins as part of a deal and was going to use them on the A3 build for testing. I wasn't sure what spring rates to start with. Thanks
We've got 500s on the front and 800s on the rear. But I have a pair of 1000-pounders I want to try out back. There are obviously different philosophies at play, depending on who you talk to, and bars become part of the conversation. We've got three on the rear. :)

Now how am I supposed to keep a competitive edge on my competition especially with the IT Spec*tacular coming up if I spill the beans??? :D
+1 for Kirk's rates, but only one big rear bar.

Which Bilsteins were you gifted with? VE3-4406/BE5-2738 front/rears?

Oops. I just noticed that the original topic was springs for "sprint racing." I posted our enduro set-up rates.

For sprints we run 500F/800R.


I guess you run the same for sprint and enduro. Your rates are the same in each post. Or did you edit your post?
Do you run a bar up front?

I run no bar up front and a shine bar in the rear. My rates are very different but it could be because of the bar setup.
I think 1000 in rear would be too much but would be interested to hear about it...maybe without a rear bar. I ran less then that in my AS camaro without a rear bar!
Eh, I was just being silly. The point is that the car is either not loose enough to be really fast in the sprints or my codrivers have mad skilz and can hang onto a tail-happy beast for a full 3-hour stint. :)

We don't run any front bar. I have the Shine "race" bar, the OE bar, and a monster Speedway Engineering thing that Conover built us in the back. We do NOT however have solid bushings in the rear beam.

Doesnt anyone set their spring rates to make the car run fairly neutral and then use camber and tire pressures to accomidate for under/oversteer??? To me it just seems easier for me to dial my car in for different situations...
Short answer: Tire pressure and camber should be dictated by tire temp accross the tire.
Long answer: Yes I do adjust or dial in pressure and/or camber based upon what the car is doing or not doing. This happens at the track during a qualify/race weekned rather then switching springs etc. If it's a new track or one I do not have much setup data for then I will do everything I can to do the test day and bring springs and be prepared to play with toe & camber (front and rear), ride height, and tire temps and pressure. Once you know you have the most out of a setup including, spring rate, bar, tire perssure, etc. determined by tire temps and lap times then you can go from there with changes.