A3 traction control arm on A2?


New member

I'm doing some rally in an Golf A2 GTi over here in Europe, and I was wondering...

Apparently the A-arm/traction control arm (TCA) from an A3 Golf, fits the A2 platform.
Is this true? And if it is, can the track of the car be widen by this, thus also acheiving more negative camber? How about the "plus" TCA's from the VR6 A3's? Are they longer than any of the other TCA's?

The reason I'm asking, is that I've seen this suggested on various sites, but I've never been able to verify it.

Best regards
I don't know whether they fit or not but camber and track width are independent - you can increase negative camber w/o widening the track, and vice-versa.

Not that track is a bad thing in and of itself...

Originally posted by Knestis:
I don't know whether they fit or not but camber and track width are independent - you can increase negative camber w/o widening the track, and vice-versa.

Not that track is a bad thing in and of itself...


I'm aware of that, but if the arm is longer, and everything else remains unchanged, both track and camber should change. Or am I missing something?

I thought the later a2 and all a3 4-cyl arms were the same dimensionally, but I might be wrong. The a3 "plus" arms are longer, but have the balljoint at a funny angle and only match the "plus" uprights, which negates the camber gain. They also take a different CV spline, although the hubs *might* be interchangeable.