Anyone around Albany, NY?


New member
I'm just about getting started in a job around the Albany, NY area...coming from Western New York. Wondering if there are any IT-ers around here...considering that I don't know anyone in the area...and that SCCA folks always seem like family...some friendly bench-racing would be welcome!

Welcome to the Capital District. I have been racing in ITB for the past 4 years. I live in Saratoga (25 minutes north of Albany). Feel free to drop me a line at [email protected].

I copied the info below from the MoHud website.


General membership meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM.

Orchard Tavern
68 North Manning Blvd.
Albany, NY
(518) 482-5677

Directions to the Orchard kindly furnished by Dick Stewart:

Going west on I-90,Exit 5 take a left onto Everett Rd. cross over 90 and through the East Ramp light to the next traffic light and take a left onto Watervliet St.

Going east on I-90 Exit 5 take a right onto Everett Rd. and go to the next traffic light and take a left onto Watervliet St.

All -Go past the ABC Bowling Alley, through the next light and down the hill.   The next right should be N. Manning Blvd., take it and go up the hill. The Orchard is just at the top on the right. #68

Pizza with a variety of toppings is served at the meeting. Some of the members come a little early and have dinner at the Orchard or just socialize.