anyone done an ITS GTI/Jetta VR6?


New member
Just wondering if the weight in the front has ruined the cars chances of being a fast IT car. Has anyone attempted? Any info would be great. Thanks in advance.
Don't know about a Golf/Jetta VR6, but there are a couple of VR6 Corrados out there. There's a guy from the NE that used to race a VR6 Jetta in WC (Hugh Stewart), but he's since switched to an SRT/4. The cars are nose heavy to begin with, and unfortunately, they're saddled w/ a bit too much weight, at this point in time. Best bet is probably the Corrado, but the cars are scarce, and parts are not cheap.

MARRS #25 ITB Rabbit GTI (sold) | MARRS #25 HProd Rabbit
SCCA 279608
FYI, my VR6 GTI might be for sale at the end of the season and it is reasonably fast at most tracks ( 5 SARRC wins so far in SSB ) and flirting with track records in a few places... it is 250 lbs heavy vs. ITS and no real suspension but I think it may prove to be a suprise in IT?? The slight aero trade off with the Corrado would more than make up for it self in parts cost... my .02 worth

Fred Alphin
#92 Hankook Tire SSB VW GTI VR6
BMW 325i ITS ( 2006 ? )
Yea i think with the corrado being hard to find and expensive parts, it would be fun to build a GTI but i would want to learn more about it with other peoples attempts.
Well give me a couple more weekends to test and I'll let you know. So far teh testing I've done at BeaveRun has surprised me.

We took a lot of weight out of the front and have stiffened the springs and removed the sway turnes in quite well and brakes pretty good too.

Need to do some work with a LSD to determine if we can eliminate all the wheel has so much torque.


Bill Sulouff - Bildon Motorsport
Volkswagen Racing Equipment
Originally posted by Bildon:
Well give me a couple more weekends to test and I'll let you know. So far teh testing I've done at BeaveRun has surprised me.

We took a lot of weight out of the front and have stiffened the springs and removed the sway turnes in quite well and brakes pretty good too.

Need to do some work with a LSD to determine if we can eliminate all the wheel has so much torque.


Cool beans Bill, glad to see the car on the track. I wonder what your competitors say the first time they see that 'cockpit adjustable rear spoiler' in action??

MARRS #25 ITB Rabbit GTI (sold) | MARRS #25 HProd Rabbit
SCCA 279608
>> I wonder what your competitors say the first time they see that 'cockpit adjustable rear spoiler' in action??

They say "Hey look, you can add more drag whenever you want to"

Actually at Pocono they said "What Broke?"

Bill Sulouff - Bildon Motorsport
Volkswagen Racing Equipment
Bill, what did break?

There is a guy here in San Francisco that used to race a 4 door Jetta in ITB, and has just completed his ITS Corrado. It sounds SWEET.

Philip Munoz is his name

Tim Linerud
San Francisco Region SCCA
#95 GP Wabbit

racer_tim @ yahoo dot com
What a great looking car -- could be a sleeper in ITS.

I saw my first ITS Jetta at Roebling in April. Surprisingly, to me at least, it ran near the front on Sunday until it broke. Roebling is a "driver's" track, not very horsepower dependent, so that might have helped. But, I was impressed, AND it was a 2.0 16V GLi Jetta, not the VR6.

Drivers were two guys, one from Florida, one from California. Nice guys.

I know there's a request in front of the ITAC/CRB to move to A2 2.0 16v VW's from ITS to ITA (nee: IT2

/edit/It was in the March, '05 FasTrack to move them to ITA effective 1/1/06.

Hey Andy B., any update on getting the weight typo fixed?

MARRS #25 ITB Rabbit GTI (sold) | MARRS #25 HProd Rabbit
SCCA 279608

[This message has been edited by Bill Miller (edited May 19, 2005).]
>> Bill, what did break?

The rod bearings smeared do to what appears to be insufficient cleaning of the head. The head had been pulled from storage unit that was flooded. The hot tank and cleaning did not evidently get all the silt out. I found fine dirt in the filter and I belive this clogged the rod bearing passages.

Good news is that the rest of the engine is fine. Another thorough cleaning, the old SSA motor balanced crank and we'll be back in business.

Bill Sulouff - Bildon Motorsport
Volkswagen Racing Equipment