Made it home safe with another RX-8 for the stable! The car came from south of Summit Point near rt 81 so on the way hone I had to stop in... Looks like the track has made a lot of improvements since I was a little kid. The drive really isn't that bad either along 81 from the northeast (no real traffic on a Friday afternoon just before a holiday week). Also the roads are nice and smooth for the most part, nothing like we are used to in the northeast!!!
So long story short, anyone who hasn't been at all or in a while need to put this track on your schedule!!! (I have always been leery of the travel, when I was a kid I just slept). Much easier to get to than NJMP.
Also another interesting fact... From when I left to when I returned I was gone just under 30hrs. This included 2.5hrs loading and a 45min stop for a conference call. The rest was driving all night and the next day (after a full 9hr days worth of work). I averaged 40mph including stops (0mph) and went through 10 states +DC before I had even hit 20hrs! Not bad for a guy and his wife's dog