Anyone have a web site for them?Originally posted by JohnRW@Sep 19 2005, 09:18 PM
Looked like Roz...anybody else confirm that ?
Pretty dumb way to sell stuff. Why doesn't he just post them on a website (w/ proof across them). What happenes if the proofs get damaged or lost in the mail are we still liable? Got too much to worry about my business let alone his hehe. I'd still like to see his website.Originally posted by joeg@Sep 20 2005, 03:33 PM
Roz will usually send you an envelope with a half dozen "proofs" of your car. You pay for the ones you want to keep; send him back the rest--honor system.
I'm sure he has a website.
Be aware that he can be a bit slow with the proofs in the mail, but his photography is always top notch.
WWW.rozphoto.comOriginally posted by dj10@Sep 20 2005, 11:50 AM
Anyone have a web site for them?