Good afternoon to all. I was forwarded this message from a friend that thought I should reply. Thanks for your interest in AMP and thoughts, I like to hear insights from everyone. I value every potential “renter” or member at AMP.
A few comments were given that I think are worth addressing.
First: Location in proximity to Road Atlanta.
AMP will be the closest facility to the core group of money in the USA, actually half the distance. Road Atlanta has no competition within at least four house of the location. They are rented 350 days per year and turn away 2-3 people a week.
So many other facilities have many others like them in the area and still stay covered up. There is an absolute need for another facility in Atlanta.
Butch – funny enough, I am a club and kart racer and won’t turn my nose up to anyone, we want you and your group at AMP, we will rent the facility to clubs and have many that would never reduce a day at RA and add a few days to AMP to keep the club local and have two great courses. Plus we will have 120 feet of elevation and MUCH less in the way of walls around the course, much more run off like Kershaw or Roebling.
Dj10 – you are personally invited by me to AMP. Also, we will partner with RA, we will not effect their business at all.
RedMisted – these member driving tracks are very successful, much more than a standard track. Five of these only operated 200 days per year, and still do exceptionally well with massive competition within 1-2 hours of their doors. We can operate 365 days per year, closer to the core group of users than any other track and have no competition other than RA!
Thanks for allowing me to share with you some of the insights. Butch, I would love your contact info to put you on the update list. Please help me in promoting this venture so we will all have a place for more seat time.
God speed,
Jeremy W. Porter
Atlanta Motorsports Park
[email protected]