Best Battery


New member
Looking for some info on a battery for the car.
I can purchase a stock battery relatively inexpensively or go to a "racing" battery
which is much more expensive. What are the pro's and con's of just getting a stock
battery. Weight is not an issue as I have to add weight to the car anyway.
I have an Optima red top in my ITA Miata. I bought the car in 2009, and have no idea how old the battery is (it came in it). It's held up well.
If weight isn't a problem I still like to place it where it does the most good for the balance of the car. When i had my ITS RX-7 I split the weight between the front and the passenger seat frame location. Of course, this is coming from a Mazda guy.....
a lot of the "racing" batteries are not of the same relative size and Amp Hour capacity as stock so can't be used in IT. relocation is totally out... the gel cell (optima) are the best commonly available answer to the question, and optima sells a size group 75/25 and 25 red top and 75/25 yellow top that fit the bill. for civics, they have a 51R (AKA 52) yellow top.
Dan, as Chip said, read the rules before you buy anything. However........ there are big weight differences between "stock" batteries...............
and note that gel cells are NOT light. Check with the guys at the local parts store, they usually offer the right fitment battery, and smaller ones in applications where the stock size is very large. stuff like group 75 using 25 or a 35 can sub in a smaller 26, etc. so long as it shows up on the parts shop lookup for that year/make/model, it'll pass the sniff test.

Here is the spec

"9.1.3.D.1.e ...Batteries may be replaced with those of
alternate manufacture provided they are of similar amp-hour
capacity and weight and are fitted in the standard location..."​

so you can go smaller, but you cannot go lighter.


Here is the spec
"9.1.3.D.1.e ...Batteries may be replaced with those of
alternate manufacture provided they are of similar amp-hour
capacity and weight and are fitted in the standard location..."
so you can go smaller, but you cannot go lighter.


So what is the definition of similar weight?:D
So what is the definition of similar weight?:D

hmmmm .... in relation to the solar system, the weight of a fly is quite similar to the weight of an elephant ...

it seems you have "run rings around me logically" ... "mmm, intercourse the penguin"


Seems to be a 10 lb difference between Group 25 and group 26 battery.
Group 25 28 lbs Group 26 38 lbs
Quite a difference
Both batteries listed at auto parts store for my car.
Funny stuff.

As the rule is written.The battery has no weight restrictions. "Similar" has no value/definition.

Until "Similar has some % of stock" definition. ,any weight battery may be used.
The only stipulation so far has been that it has a car part number. not tractor or motorcycle
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