“Club Racing in the United States has evolved in the last decade, and rotating the Runoffs will do nothing but help the event and the Club Racing program, overall,” SCCA Chairman R.J. Gordy said.
This just answered my question of "will I run IT if it goes National" with a "no".
You know, you probably expected to hear this, but you get no sympathy from us west coasters.According to google maps, they've moved it 652 miles.
It is now exactly one more mile away than Topeka was for me.
Further evidence that there is a conspiracy to keep me from having any national ambitions
If the SCCA had a deal like they had with Pro Spec Miata for 2-3 years with a left coast & a right coast championship with the overall Runoffs centerally located some of you would still continue to pi$$ & moan. I went to Mid Ohio for 9 years & I have gone to Topeka for 2 years. If the Runoffs were on the left coast or the right coast I wouldn't go while at the same time I wouldn't pi$$ & moan. We'll miss ALL of you who consider the Runoffs the Ruboffs or the Boreoffs. Gee, let's see now the Road Americal will have two premire SCCA events for the next three years in the June Sprints & the Runoffs. I am sure the local economy will appreciate everyone & the money they spend.
Doubtful about VIR. It would be a great place for the Runoffs. Hotels would be rough. Slim pickin's. I'm betting the person in charge of VIR will be the hiccup. Heir grapevine says the Commandant has made lots of friends during his rein as attorney/gestapo/ruler/give-me-the-money ecclestone/extraordinaire. But then what do I know? It's an internet forumI think this is a good decision for the club.
I have been to the last few runoffs venues, and would have gone to the next. It IS nice that it will be a shorter drive this time, and it sounds like it will be moving more regularly in the future (every 3 years is what I am hearing). I hope it is at VIR next!
I predict that our regionals at RA will become more crowded, but that's OK, it's a big track.
To some of you - If you don't have anything nice to say.... well you already know
I wish it would come back to Road Atlanta. With the price of diesel I really can't justify more than a 4 hour one way drive. The fuel bill alone for CMP last weekend was over $265 That's an entry fee or a couple of tires for crying out loud.
From talking to drivers at races about how the cost of fuel is affecting their budgets I think we (racing regions) are in for a big suprise come year end.
We need a smilie with a guy pulling his pockets out.