Borgward Pulls out of WSCCA Racing!


New member
Raife Wreckalot announced today that Borgward, one of the only automobile manufacturers to support grassroots, amateur motorsports is pulling out of White Suit Curmudgeon Club of America racing after a recent spat with WSCCA management.

Wreckalot told a reporter from The Sandbox that the recent incident at the Bore-Offs sealed the deal. "Borgward spent months developing the Bling-R1 package -- fart can, plywood wing and spiffy gold emblems and all -- and did everything by the book to get the WSCCA to approve it," Raife explained. Raife described the package as not a trunk kit at all, but a true option -- you simply had to check the box "Classy" on the Borgward order form, and the factory would slap on a Bling R-1 for you. Only after the Bling R-1 put the smackdown on the field at the Bore-Offs did a corpse in a white suit declare it illegal.

Rival Uber-Alles Motors of course has been dominating Showroom Not racing for the last year, with its SuperEquinox model consisting of a six foot long nose cone, rear "Towering Inferno Spoiler" and "Zoom-Zoom My Ass" decals. No one has ever seen one on a dealer lot, but tis the way of Showroom Not.

WSCCA Fuhrer Batt Merg reponded with a blistering diatribe. "We didn't need Triumph. We didn't need MG. We didn't need Austin Healey. And we certainly didn't need Jensen-Healey -- who did? We crushed them all, and yet, we still survive. We don't need Borgward. We don't need club members. We don't need anything. We are WSCCA! We shall RULE THE WORLD! From Topeka, Kansas! Also, I'm Rick James, bitch!"

When asked about the effect of the Borgward pull out on competition from the WalMart Autosport Association!! TM, WSSCA Marketing director Ima Dude stated that reports of WAA!! encroachment on WSCCA membership are vastly overstated. "Our members only go to WAA!!! events for the bikini contests and the beer. When they really want to get jerked around while trying to race, they still go the WSCCA way" explained Ms. Dude. When pressed further on this, she replied "The dude abides. No further comment."
The more I think about this, the more I wonder...what is Jeff Young, young, single (IIRC) elgible laywer/ bachelor/etc, doing up at 1:37 AM ...on a Saturday night...writing stuff like this for? Hey, it's better than working on legal breifs, but......;)'s even better than "Sails"
Thanks boys, had fun with that. EDIT -- thought better of that!

A slow T-Day may bring a "Non-Illustrated and Overexaggerated History of the Borgward Motor Works."

Tim, thanks for understanding by the way. In my humble estimation, you guys got screwed and plus, while I don't race a Mazda and am an SCCA guy, I think what you guys do for the SCCA and SCCA racers if fantastic. Hope we don't lose you guys over this silliness.
Thanks boys, had fun with that. Jake, had a couple of drinks with a bisches we affectionately call (or maybe not so affectionately call) the dry humper, so I was home at midnight last night -- and had some time on my hands.


Oh no, not again.........I'm definitely going to have to take up funds for a downtown trip to have you serviced. It won't happen with her!