Braided brake hose problems?

Speed Raycer

New member
Anyone else have braided brake hose issues with the caliper fitting?

One of the Earls hoses that were on my car when I bought it stripped out the caliper end threads so I had another made locally while I ordered some from Mazdatrix. The one I had made locally fit like a glove. When I received the Mazdatrix set I proceeded to try and install one of the fronts and after much cursing and swearing I looked at the male caliper ends a little closer to find that they're the wrong freaking thread!!!! Not even close!!Anyone else have this problem?

At first I thought it might be an original 80 caliper (car is an 80 chassis), but it wont screw into a known 81-83 caliper either (which is what I ordered for).

Nothing like brake issues the weekend before a race

Scott Rhea
It's not what you build...
it's how you build it

Izzy's Custom Cages
if i remember right the 79 has a courser thread that the 81-85 on some of the threads including the front caliper. i do not know where the 80 falls.
Both the '79 and '80 have coarse thread. Mazdatrix made kits for '79/'80 vehicles which were retrofitted with disk rears; they had the coarse thread on the body side, and the fine thread on the axle end. This kit would also then have the coarse threads on both ends of the front lines to be compatible with the 79/80 front caliper and fittings. I was able to find some male-to-male adapters to go from coarse to fine threads a a local import autoparts store so that I could mix and match calipers and lines. Note that the '80 and '81 master cylinders are NOT interchangeable, so you can't just retrofit an '81 brake system onto the older cars (won't package).

Dave Youngren
Well, the plot thickens .... a little... The rear lines are a completely different thread than the front, so apparently there was a mix up when they were packaged.

I had some lines made locally for an 81-83 caliper and replaced the line fittings (which the Mazdatrix lines fit as well). They were more expensive, but hey... they fit!