Building car pics

bbp, Car looks great! I picked mine up this weekend. Now the fun begins. Did you say Truechoice did your Konis? Any hindsight to share for my buildup?

David Murphy
Murphy Motorsports
You might want to run another bar across the top of the tranny tunnel above your shins that connects the A-pillar downposts together. In the case of a T-bone (you getting hit in the door), the downtube near your left calf will head for your right calf because the floor of a unibody car will collapse. Tying the two sides together helps get the loads more evenly into a larger area of the floor and firewall.

Otherwise looks good.

These cars actually have a factory installed bar that runs under the dash and is attached to each side... basically a cross-bar like you mention. There isn't a lot of room under there with the dash in place to attach the bar to the uprights of the cage, though I do think it could be done...

Car looks good bbp! The cage looks remarkably like MINE! I'd be interesting in talking with you offline about your car and some of the things you've done... I'm racing mine in RS this season, with hopes that it will eventually get classified in Production. Perhaps we could swap information and help each other...

[email protected]

Have FUN!