bypass valve quick question


New member
I pulled out the bypass valve from the oil cooler and the valve fell out of the cap. I dont want to put it back in the wrong way. which end faces up? thanks
The end with the small sealing ring on a shaft with a small spring goes in first. The cap end has a shaft that extends from the valve when it gets hot, and forces the sealing ring against the opening.

The stock configuration goes big spring, then valve, then cap. The big spring holds the valve open until it heats up and the shaft extends, forcing it closed.

To disable the bypass operation, put it in valve, then big spring, then cap. This makes the big spring hold it closed all the time.

Make sure you don't overtighten the cap - it can crack the cooler (many people here will probably know why I know

Marty Doane
ITS RX-7 #13
CenDiv WMR
Is disabling bypass considered a "good and desireable" upgrade to a street/track 2nd gen? Seems as though it cannot hurt, only save you from the bypass sticking open?

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