Cage supplier


New member
So it's finally time to put in a roll cage into my '83 ITA/IT7 RX-7! A good friend of mine is aircraft certified in welding, has done a few cages for different IHRA cars, and offered to weld one in for me. Does anyone have any suggestions for manufacturers of ready-to-weld cages? I need the pieces cut, sized, and bent for my car, and just regular steel, none of the fancy Cromoly stuff. I'm located in the Indianapolis area. Thanks in advance!

Required pic (when I picked it up):
There are several that come to mind. AutoPower and Kirk Racing (our supplier). There are people out your way that can custom fab one. Check with someone in the local SCCA region for a referral.
As to Kirk-they are very responsive and can do a custom setup if needed. You would have to call them in Mt Olive, Alabama at 205-608-1156. Mark and his family are super people.
If you've got the ability to install it yourself, I can bend you up the hoop and downbars and you could source the rest of the tube locally.

Shoot me an email cagefab(at)
Thanks for everyones input and compliments!

I checked out Kirks, and they look to be what I need. I have a few questions for them, but provided they are what they appear to be, I'll go with them.

Sorry, Scott, I'm looking for a complete frame that's ready to weld.
Originally posted by rx7sam@Sep 27 2005, 03:04 PM
Thanks for everyones input and compliments!

I checked out Kirks, and they look to be what I need.  I have a few questions for them, but provided they are what they appear to be, I'll go with them.

Sorry, Scott, I'm looking for a complete frame that's ready to weld.
Sam, check yor PM's