Camping near the Glen and short-term car storage options?

gran racing

Super Moderator
Looking to attend the upcoming Watkins Glen National event, and then the SCDA event which occurs the next two days after the racing. The Glen does not allow camping during the SCDA event, and I'd like to find one location to set-up.

Looked at the Watkins Glen State Park, but a few people online were not overly positive about the place from a camping aspect. I realize it's all a matter of perspective and what one's looking for. Just bathroom, shower, and decent sized camp sites. If it were somewhat in the woods, that would be a plus.

There's a KOA not far by, but in the past I've not been too fond of them. Open fields, lots of other people right nearby....

Anyone familiar with camping at the Glen State park? Is it decent? Any areas better than others? It looks quite large.

1 1/2 weeks later is the regional. Wondering if anyone knows of potential storage options for a racecar while still doing the inexpensive camping thing?
My friend puts his 30ft RV on the next entrance up from the main gate.(bout 200 yards up the hill) Theres electric and your own "out-house". Im not sure what they charge but it usually works out well cause theres no one else there.
Ryan, is it secure? My wife and may choose to stay in the Finger Lakes region a couple of days after the National, and I'd like a secured place to drop off the enclosed while we tour the area...
I dont think its secure. Its pretty much a parking lot for maybe a registration or track office. But its good size and is walking distance to the outside of T1.
There are a few people in and out during the day and last time when we there, someone did leave their 24ft PCA trailer for a few days.
It would probably be fine leaving the trailer there, but i dont know if i;d take the chance. Perfect for camping though

Anyone at Seneca Lodge?

KOA is decent, but just like you described... I def prefer the State Park which is great as far as I'm concerned!

need hookups?

If tent camping, any site in the "Seneca Village" (sites 204-251) is pretty good especially if you want trees and a bit of space... You can even talk to someone when reserving and say "put my away from people" lol and they may have an even better suggestion, I've not walked all the loops there...

And don't worry, I'll be in a different part of the camp! :p

Have you talked to the track about leaving your trailer there? When I worked for Skip, they'd let us leave stuff there for a couple weeks...
I'll give the track a call tomorrow. Last time I attempted to do this there was some big event in between. Hopefully there isn't this time.

If I think that I hear some odd bear whining, I'll know it's you. LOL
I've left a broken car there and they were ok with it, and they do have that upper lot across from registration so I think you might be ok. Dave, don't joke about bears, when i went to school in that area, there were campers mauled by bears alllll the time. They work hard to keep it out of the news.
Have you looked into the Senaca lodge ? My wife and I love staying in their cabins and we have done it 3 times already. Its like camping, but when you wake up in the morning you and all your stuff is dry. And you don't have to hike to the bathroom.:rolleyes:
