Can a VW win in ITA?


New member
I want to move up to ITA. I would like to run a VW. But the only thing I see winning,usually top 6, are Hondas or Acuras. Is there a chance for a GTI to be competitive in ITA? Any info would be great!! Thanks, John
The 16v GTI's were competitive in ITA a couple of years ago, but your right, the Honda CRX seems to be a good choice. The Acura Integra is also a good choice.

Of the 4 VW's listed in ITA, even though the 16v Scirocco weighs more than the 16v GTI, it's better aero would be my first choice.

Tim Linerud
San Francisco Region SCCA
#95 GP Wabbit (Bent)
I have raced both a 16v scirocco and 16v golf, the golf is clearly faster, the A2 suspension allows more flexibility and travel. I have won in the golf (beat CRXs). I may sell the old girl though, building a 944S....
TJ Hannifan is selling his A2 16v.

I think he won ITA from the pole this weekend at the Glen. I left before their race finished.

A well built well driven CRX will beat a GTI... unfortunately it's not a fair matchup at this point. However if you have a good day with a GTI you can give the Honda/Acuras a run for their money.

Bill Sulouff - Bildon Motorsport
Volkswagen Racing Equipment
## 2002 ITB NYSRRC Champs ##
I'm glad to hear that TJ finally has had some good luck with the car. I have TJ's old rabbit, its an awsome car! I know he does really well at the Glen.
Do you think that they (scca) will add weight to the Hondas? If one make is dominating do you think that they will take action to make a "level" playing field? It makes you wonder if they should call it Thanks for the input, oh, if anyone is interested in a fast ITC rabbit I will be selling the rabbit at the end of the year,in hopes of finding an "A" car. I can be reached at [email protected] if anyone wants info on the car. I should be at Lime Rock Park on 8/8-8/9 if any one wants to see the wabbit..Thanks again..John