Can anyone help out a fellow racer?

Apparently I offended someone with my original post. I simply asked if anyone had any used safety gear lying around that they no longer used that they would like to sell or donate to a fellow racer that had a unexpected misfortune in his life. I am sorry.
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I'm not sure why anyone would be offended??? Maybe I'm missing something??

I immediately thought of the stuff I have laying around but it looks like I'm slightly different proportions than your brother.

PM me as to why people took offense.......
Was not offended here, surprised when you edited it. The post was a little personal but not offensive. Sorry not much extras at the moment but I did find a new black nomex baclava if that is needed, it's yours if you can use it.
I want to thank all of you for the support. Here is the email that I received. I wasn't trying to offend or piss anyone off. I don't have an extra $1000 lying around to buy him some gear as this guy suggests, if I did I would. I am still trying to get my gear together. I am not asking for anything for myself. I was just trying to help my brother out. I was hoping that some people had some extra gear lying around and maybe they wouldn't mind helping my brother out. I deleted the name from the end of the letter because I'm not here to drag people through the mud. And I deleted the original post because I don't need to deal with jerks like this! I didn't respond to the email because in my book it doesn't deserve a response. I just don't treat people this way, and I am proud to be a teacher and my brother is too!

Here is the email:

Congrats on getting a car.

Sorry to hear about your brother's plight but I'm glad to hear that everyone is going to be OK.

I see by your e-mail address that you are associated with the public education system. Socialism and an entitlement attitude are at the root of the public-fleecing-in-the-name-of-education establishment. This explains the ease with which you beg others to pay for your family's entertainment. Food, clothing and shelter are basic needs. Racing is a luxury. And few of us can afford to do it at the level and frequency we would like.

Loan the money for the equipment to your brother for this season if it's that important to you. GForce has some of the least expensive driving suits. Shop for discontinued closeouts at for shoes, gloves, helmets etc. A full set of gear will be about $1000 if you are frugal. $1500+ if you are fashion conscious.

Your post on had over 100 views but no public replies.

I support competition and vouchers for education, not the current delivery system that we have through the states.

Good Luck"
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By the way, my niece is doing well. They took the I.V. out yesterday. She is still in an incubator and will still be in nicu for at least another week. My sister in law got released yesterday and of course she is really sore from the emergency c-section. Please keep them in your prayers.
I want to give a huge THANK YOU to Mark Buskehl! He is donating his extra baclava to my brother. :happy204: I really appreciate the help and I know my brother will too. Like I told Mark my brother doesn't know that I am doing this so it will be a huge surprise for him.

Thank You,
Most importantly, I'm glad everyone is doing well.

This is a bit of a touchy subject. I agree the e-mail is a bit much, but can see how someone could view it a bit differently as this is just a hobby / entertainment. That said, if someone had gear lying around not being used I don't see anything wrong with it. It's probably tough for anyone to make a different financial donation for racing goodies though.
I am the first to agree that this is not a life or death situation. I agree racing is a hobby/entertainment. I was not requesting monetary donations. I was simply asking if anyone had any old safety gear lying around that they didn't use any more, and if they did I asked if they would like to sell it or donate it to my brother. Some people including myself like to help out others and don't mind donating something they no longer use. Nothing was said about donating money. I am just trying to help get him out on the track. If you don't have anything you want to sell or donate that's fine. If you would rather sell it on ebay, that's fine too. Some people read way too much into things, and blow them out of proportion.
Like I said, a bit touchy thread. :) I don't recall the entire post and didn't personally have an issue with it. Back to other fun threads!!
I also want to thank Bill Stevens! He is donating a pair of multi layer gloves that he no longer uses. I can't thank you guys enough for your help and generosity!
Folks, as far as I'm concerned this thread looking for non-used race wear that's laying around is no different than ONE OF US looking for free-b non-used car parts laying around. At one point or another WE ALL give some car parts to another.:023:
I have a driving/fire suite that is almost new you can have if you pay for the shipping. I bought it a couple of years ago, but I out grew it. It is a large and I believe it is a 3.2/5 rated. I will have to check on the rating.

If you are interested let me know,
I have a driving/fire suite that is almost new you can have if you pay for the shipping. I bought it a couple of years ago, but I out grew it. It is a large and I believe it is a 3.2/5 rated. I will have to check on the rating.

If you are interested let me know,

Email sent! Thank You!