Canopy poles


New member
I used to secure my canopy poles in the trailer with these cool "hook straps" that would sort of form a sling to hold the poles. They were made by a company by the name of Keeper. Well they don't make them anymore so I was wondering how other did the same job?
I thought you were going to ask us to vote on something.....

I use short sections of steel c-channel along the upper edge of my trailer. I slide the horizontal pieces of the canopy in those channels and secure them with quick pins. Haven't lost a canopy yet, as it would have to pull the whole trailer with it.

I don't trust anything that is elastic or adjustable. Steel, baby....steel.
PVC pipes with screw on end caps. It keeps everything nice and tidey (is that a word? lol). It only is an issue when you have "curved" poles after a wind/rain storm :bash_1_:

I used two sections of C channel and some flat stock to make two five sided boxes. I put one on each end of the storage area. One is fixed, and the other has the top surface hinged with a hasp. I open it, put the poles in and then close it and put a snap link on the hasp to secure. Haven't had an issue since. The sides of the "C" are about 6" long so there is no way for the pole to slide around and get out. I have two different length sections, one for the top poles, one for the legs. The PVC is nice, but it costs more and I am a very thrifty person(Cheap!). Hope this helps.

PVC pipes with screw on end caps. It keeps everything nice and tidey (is that a word? lol). It only is an issue when you have "curved" poles after a wind/rain storm :bash_1_:

used this on/in several trailers.
Upon cosmic reflection, I realize that John was asking about 'securing canopy poles IN the trailer', not 'securing canopy poles to the outside of the trailer, when assembled as 'canopy'.
