Originally posted by bmw#29:
Can you have two cars in the same run group (but in different classes)with the same number..?
Originally posted by bmw#29:
Thanks Greg. Are you the guy that was featured in GRMS...
Originally posted by gsbaker:
I'm going to answer your question because Greg is too humble for the appropriately calibrated response, which is: GREG DA MAN!!!
<font face=\"Verdana, Arial\" size=\"2\">Now that's funny!!!</font>[/b]
Originally posted by Andy Bettencourt:
So to add: You request a permenant number from the number police. They cross reference your request with what is taken and assign or deny.
They look at your class and the class they have PLANNED you to be running with. These run-groups are pretty stable and it should work out. IF you are teamed with another class, whomever registers first should get the number and one would be required to change.
Originally posted by bmw#29:
Andy can you give me a link or email address to the registration number keeper. Thank you.
Originally posted by RKramden:
Unless you are on the NER BoD and your name is Andy, then those rules don't apply.
The rules in that case require payments of large sums of wine (at the race track) and cash (to the worker fund), begging is optional, and it takes at least three weeks and fifty three e-mails to agree on just one number.... And you wanted how many numbers?