Chip's right here. Efrain is just trying to get our help in explaining to people who might not be able to read the English written word, what the rules are.
So how is reading those rules to someone on the Internet - using written English - going to resolve that...? Are you implying that people on this forum are better at reading the regs to someone than them reading it themselves?
The difference here is not because of gray hair or because of geography or because of language, the difference here is regulated competition versus anarchical, pseudo-competition HPDE/street "racing". I'll wager a dollar to a donut that everyone that has "issues" with the regs came into them with a pre-disposed mindset (e.g., Jeff Lawton with his roundy-round and PCA background; our guys in PR with existing cars).
The IT regs are really not that hard to read. They may be frustrating to someone wanting to race a car with existing specific mods, but I think they're pretty damn well-written, especially if you read them for what they
say ('ok, what can I do here?'), not skim them looking for what you
want them to say ('OK, I've got CF fenders, where can I do that?'). The issue here is a mindset, not a problem of verbiage. It's a difference of "hey, I built this really awesome car for the street and now I want to take it racing" versus "I want to go racing, what kind of car do I need to build?"
Unless you get to someone early in their participation curve, it's the mindset you need to attack, not the regs or the mods already on the car. And the absolute
core of the ITCS mindset is IIDSYCTYC.
Get that in your noggin and everything else falls right into place.
- GA