Care and feeding of Hoosiers


Super Moderator
Hey gang - sorry, I know there was a thread on this last year, but I can't for the life of me find it now.

Anyway, as I recall the question came up about potential problems with leaving Hoosiers out in the cold over the winter, but I couldn't remember what the verdict was. I have mine stored in an unheated storage space, and was wondering if I needed to bring them in out of the cold for the winter.

All of ours are in my basement.

Chris will not even consider leaving them out overnight if he can avoid it. If it gets cold at night at the track, they all get brought into the heated trailer if they aren't 'done' (which is usually very done).

Lesley Albin
Over The Limit Racing
Blazen Golden Retrievers
Thanks Lesley. It also finally occurred to me to check the Hoosier website (duh), and sure enough they say don't let 'em freeze. Guess I had better get the guest room ready, company's coming!

Wrap the tires with $100 bills.

They like it when you do that!
