Mark, trust me, there is nighlife in Camden. Ron, Robert, Mark, jump in and back me up here. You just have to dig down pretty deep to find it.
There are a few bars to "start" with. The Best Western has a nightclub that is open sometimes, and sometimes not. There is the Brew & Cue downtown. There are a couple of other places we haven't gone to yet. And there is always the Town Skank.......
Camden then has at least one (we've been twice) and possibly 2-3 more "after hours" liquor clubs that stay open until 2 or 3 a.m., even on Saturday night when I thought, anyway, that it is illegal to serve liquor. The Foxes Den is one. You gotta see this place. It's full of all types. Local big shots. The young waitress crowd, the horse crowd (there is actually a lot of money in Camden).
Also, the Mexican joint and the Lugoff Pizza Palace are both open until 10 for dinner on the weekends. They are on Lugoff highway west of town towards..Lugoff/Columbia.
Last, there is a pretty damn good new restaurant downtown -- with women! -- in an old bank building across from the Brew & Cue. Definitely 3 stars, I kid you not, and open fairly late.