CCR SE Division Double Drivers school


New member
The CCR Region is hosting a double drivers school in January at Carolina Motorsports Park. CMP is a GREAT club track that is as safe as you can get. There is elevation change and a large variety of corners.

For details go to
We need people to fill this school, so please pass the word on to all.

I echo all of those comments, and also add that the CMP school last year was the best run, safest school I have seen. CCR does a great job. Avoid the Roebling madness, go to CMP.
If you're short on registrants, would you turn down one (or two) that have their novice licenses with already two events under their belts? My brother and I took the school at Roebling in '03 and have our required two events and are about to send in the paperwork to upgrade to full regional competition licenses.
Captain Who:

My understanding is that any driver can run a school with novice/regional/national license in hand if they want to do so to get seat time. Sign up, it would be good to have you.
Hey Group
Please read the supplemental regulations for the event. Every region is different.
A great example of that is the Washington DC region, which does not allow current license holders to participate in its driver's schools.

Read the supps so that you are not disappointed later.......

"dangerous" dave parker
Originally posted by chuck baader@Dec 14 2005, 06:48 PM
I echo Dave's advice....Fred Smucker turned down a driver at Robeling a couple of years ago. Chuck

I know, that's why I asked. :D