Celebrating Chris Wenzel


New member
Ray Wenzel and Fred Mahler asked me to let you know about this important celebration:

Hi All,

The Celebration of Chris' life is scheduled for Friday, September 11, 2009 at the Torrington Elks Club. The event is from 6pm-10pm. Hors d'oeuvres will be served and a cash bar available. An RSVP (while not required) would be most appreciated, so we can plan accordingly. If you do plan to come, please create an email and put RSVP in the SUBJECT line and send it to: [email protected]

As a tribute, we'd like to display photos and stories about Chris. If you have photos or stories you'd like to share please send them to the the email: [email protected] They will be forwarded to my people (I have people) and these will be incorporated into a presentation and be on display at the celebration. Note that photos are preferred in a JPG format.

A block of rooms are secured at the Yankee Peddler Inn ( www.pedlarinn.com ) for $89/night. Tell them you're with the Wenzel party. There are also suites available, but I'm not sure of the rates. This is a short distance (walking) from the Elks. Please try and book these before Aug 11.
Hope to see ya there!


P.S. Please feel free to pass this along to anyone who knew her, I do apologize for duplicate info.