CenDiv ITB


New member
OK at the beginning of the year we had a list of who we thought would be racing in CenDiv ITB.

Here is who I have raced with:
Aaron - Silver Golf 3
Tom - Black Golf 2
Randy - Volvo 142
Steve - Black Rabbit
Bill - Red CRX
Bill - Black Scirocco (bent, but building another)
Mike - Silver Golf 2 (bent, but building another)
Bob - White Scirocco (busted but finally ready to run again)
Todd - Silver BMW (bent but fixed)
Mike? - Yellow Fiero
??? - Black Escort
Me - White Golf 2

Am I missing anyone?
The TRO points standings are very close at the top, which makes these last few races very exciting for me! I am really glad to see the numbers getting better after last years light turnout.

so - who is racing this weekend in Milwaukee, I will list what I know:
a light weekend, but Aaron and I need to race each other a few more times this year :eclipsee_steering: any others?

Based on those I have talked to it looks like October at BHF will be a good turnout:
Tom (assumption by me)
Bill (serious maybe)
Steve (assumption by me)
any others?

the cool thing is that I have had very close races with a number of different people this year, and the overall quality of the field seems to be increasing. Congrats to all of you (us) for improving your game. Lets have a ball as we finish the year, and get ready to really bring it to a higher level next year. Heck maybe we can head out to IT Fest and/or ARRC together next year too, and see how we stack up.

It is fun racing with you guys, hope to see at the track.