Change that oil


New member
So, your race car has been sitting outside for last umpteen months since the last race of last year.

You need to change the oil before the first race of this year. Do you:

Start the car and warm the engine before draining, under the old adage that warm oil flows better.... OR do you

Push the car in the shop and drain it cold, under the adage that since it has sat around for many months (including through winter) all the oil that was going to drain down from the top end of the motor has already done so....

What say you???

Depending on the motor I'd say pull the dizzy wire and crank it on a battery tender to get oil throughout the motor before firing it. On some cars it is not a problem to run the oil pump with a shaft and drill to build pressure and oil things before cranking with the starter.

Then I'd suck it out with a oil pump dipstick thing once warm.


Ron Earp
NC Region
Ford Lightning Tow Beast
RF GT40 Replica
Jensen-Healey ITS
1/2 a 260Z ITS - Zero
You were SUPPOSED to change your oil BEFORE putting it away. All those acids and contaminants in there are not good for your engine.

That aside, since it's all drained down about as far as it'll ever go, there's no reason not to just open the drain plug and let it drip for the day. Then replace it with cheap oil, warm it up to gather up all the old oil, then change it again with good stuff.
Originally posted by GregAmy:
You were SUPPOSED to change your oil BEFORE putting it away. All those acids and contaminants in there are not good for your engine.

That aside, since it's all drained down about as far as it'll ever go, there's no reason not to just open the drain plug and let it drip for the day. Then replace it with cheap oil, warm it up to gather up all the old oil, then change it again with good stuff.

Whats this prep the car befor winter stuff?? My car has slushy frozen water in the radiator, the same old oil, the same broken brake line from the ARRC and the same mini spare on it to get it off the trailer. Then again I almost forgot I had a racecar until the other day I was shoveling snow out from around my brothers racecar and hit a metal object under the snow bank! Oh-well The garage is in it's near future.

PS: ITB audi coupes make great Ice racing cars..... just stinks when your best friend beats you in your own racecar. Well at least that's what I heard happened to Rayomond
sorry buddy.