Changes proposal for NHIS


New member
Please look at the last post on Changes you would like to see at NHIS. I've started a new thread to #1 -- have you decide who could draw up the list for me to present to NHIS Operations and #2 -- have you rewrite your ideas in the format I suggested in that last post.

I will do my best to represent drivers and workers who frequent NHIS and hope that we can make it a safer place to play.
Please look at the last post on Changes you would like to see at NHIS. I've started a new thread to #1 -- have you decide who could draw up the list for me to present to NHIS Operations and #2 -- have you rewrite your ideas in the format I suggested in that last post.

I will do my best to represent drivers and workers who frequent NHIS and hope that we can make it a safer place to play.

Please work with Dave Lyons on this. He has a substantial list that covers my concerns and I think would make a fine represenative.

So, Dave, I am volunteering you to help me approach the track. I will be happy to do the footwork up there, if you would weed through what the drivers and workers have come up with and give me a concise list to take to them. Also, if anyone wants to have an "email" signature attached to this list, please let us know.

Raymond, I will definately do my best. I won't get personal about it either. I think that the group as a whole has a safety issue and it would help tremendously if anyone has suffered damage to their cars because of the holes, especially, to speak up and be put on the signature list. The more names we can attach, the better off we will be about presenting the issues at hand.
The tracks that the region do business with are told that the only people who speak for SCCA are the RE and the Road Racing Chair.
The way to get this done is to coordinate the ideas, bring them to a Comp Board meeting, and then have Brian/Kathy bring them to Bette as Dick said.

Looks like you are on your way to coordinating - maybe an actual committee needs to be developed.
Has there been contact with people from classes outside IT (granted they aren't as cool as we are :P ) to get their 2 cents? No doubt they would echo what has already been said, but still they should be in the loop.
Has there been contact with people from classes outside IT (granted they aren't as cool as we are :P ) to get their 2 cents? No doubt they would echo what has already been said, but still they should be in the loop.
Not that I know of. What would you like to see set up as a system to collect and discuss these? A Yahoo group? I can do that, it is fairly easy.

Also, you need to think of more than just NER. We need to make this open to bikes and other car clubs as well. I do not think that any group should be excluded. I especially think we should get input from some of the bike groups, as their issues are likely to be very different and may even conflict with some of our ideas.

The way to get this done is to coordinate the ideas, bring them to a Comp Board meeting, and then have Brian/Kathy bring them to Bette as Dick said.
I think I would disagree with your assesment. As I noted above, we need to be open to other [non SCCA] groups being able to express their concerns as well. If this was to be some sort of official NER thing, then you are excluding the other groups.

I would say that this whole thing should be a group of concerned drivers, crew and workers who collected their thoughts and present it to the track. If NER wants to participate as a contributor, then that is fine, and I would welcome it, but I would not assume nor base my plans on the regions official approval or actions. If officers and members of various boards of the region want to participate, then they should be welcome as well.

Also, Dick didn't say that Brian/Kathy should bring it to Bette. Dick did say that only Brian and/or Kathy can officially speak for the region as far as the track is concerned. Those are two very different things.
Hi Guys and Gals

Don't know if this has become a dead issue or not.

"1: Fix the hole at 11."

We have a big weekend coming up at NHIS with the enduro.

I was just at the track for a BMW DE on Aug 18 and 19. The Hole at 11 is really bad now. It looks to be about 1 ft deep. I brought the situation up at a drivers meeting and it was said that they would mention it and do something if it looked unsafe.

The next time we were on track I noticed that two of the large cones were placed in the hole. To me this just makes it worse. Sure it gets your attention, but if you have to straddle the ditch those cones are going to be a severe hit and will surely smash a bumper at 60 mph.

During lunch I looked around to borrow a shovel and then remembered the new track rules that you need a helmet if you are beyond the wall. I did not relish shoveling dirt in the hole with a helmet on with temps in the upper 80's.

It very well may be that the track is going to do something during the week, but who knows for sure?

We need to have this addressed before the Enduro.

\\Thanks\\Phil Kogan


I'm bringing a shovel this weekend. Want me to bring two?

This freeking hole has been around long enough.

Well, I was up at the track the day before the BMW event, and talked with Bette and Wanda.

There is a plan for the Enduro (Three rows of cones filling the hole.), but it does not cure the problem.

The track is going to fill it with stone dust. Can't use anything with bigger rocks in it as they don't want them being kicked up and smacking someone elses windshield. Not sure when they will do it.

Also, the outside of 4, the inside of 8, and the turn in for 6 are all getting deep ruts from the rain.

We talked about tethering the tires at 2 as well, and the first rule is nothing can go into the front of the wall. Also, if what is done takes too much time to install/remove, then it won't happen.

Also, as for the helmet rule, I have been told (by the ttrack) it only applies when there are cars out on the track. If it is lunch time (or after the last session of the day), then you don't need one.

We are planing to be there on Friday.

Bring an extra shovel ! We can go out there at the end of the day. Or maybe a little time during Lunch .

The only problem is that there is not much available material to put in the hole.

I don't feel at all comfortable if the track is going to leave the situation with cones in the hole.

Although maybe it will slow us all down a notch.

See you at the track

The track is going to fill it with stone dust. Can't use anything with bigger rocks in it as they don't want them being kicked up and smacking someone elses windshield. [/b]

Interesting comment considering they seem to have no problem using rip rap at the top of turn 8. Cripe my car took one in the windshield last year that was bigger than a golf ball. I've never seen a windshield break like that one did - had rings 12" in diameter. Glad I wasn't in an open car.

Anyone know what the F1 circuits use at the track out? Looks like a plastic grating that doesn't allow much traction, but isn't dirt.
