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New member
As usual, the "big mouth" of the RST clan will post as many of the results as possible. I'll get qualifying sheets and final result sheets and get them posted as soon as I can. Since I come home quite often in the middle of the day, I should be able to post the qualifying before the races. Hopefully, I'll get all the results without making typos.
Let the races begin!!!!! :happy204:
First report...

Test day saw Greg A. in ITA and Kip V in ITS running under the current track records (Chicane/Chicane)...should be a good race. Good luck to them setting the records in the race.
I worked in Registration for the first time last night and I must say that I had a blast. I am amazed at the fun one has working in that area. I didn't get to meet driver's from the forum as I worked the worker's window, but that gave me a bird's eye view of the great camaraderie I already knew existed at NER events. Just from a different perspective. Enjoy one and all.... :cavallo:
Sorry guys, but my weekend sort of got really busy. I stuck around their area in case I had to make parts runs or whatever for them. Raymond and Stephen were beseiged with car issues. I can say that both raced Sat. with sick cars and finished. Derrick Lugar took ITB, with Tim Mullen taking 2nd, and Rob McCabe taking 3rd. That left an interesting issue for Sunday. Raymond HAD to start the race to stay in the hunt for the NARRC, Stephen had to have a finish, and Tim had to finish 3rd or worst to keep it a 3 way battle. As it turned out, I think Rob McCabe took first with Derrick finishing 2nd (I may have that reversed because I am always getting it mixed up as to who is in the white car and who is in the blue car) and Tim (at the last few laps of the race) overtook Stephen to take 3rd with Stephen finishing 4th. I believe that leaves it at Stephen and Raymond tied with Tim being just 2 points ahead for the NARRC-offs. I am sure that Raymond will give you the correct breakdown, but what I do know is that whomever finishes ahead of the other two will take the championship. Phewwww!!!!!

ITA didn't race on Sat. as there was a horrible thunderstorm that hit NHIS at the end of race 6 leaving two race groups to race first thing Sunday morning. I do know that there was a protest in that race and am not sure how it resolved and what the finishing order was. I know that there was a protest in the race because the guy doing the protesting came up and said it would take time to get those results because he had issued a protest. When I saw him in the early afternoon, he had no answer as to the results. Not sure if it was because he won or lost.

I didn't catch who won ITC on either day and missed the ITA race Sunday as I had to get hubby home and to bed rest.

Can anyone fill in? To the forum guys that I met this weekend either at registration (where I worked) or at was great putting names to faces finally. I look forward to seeing you all at Lime Rock.
oh wee.. there was some silliness going on today. I'm batching all the photos now, they might be up tonight
Very quick top-3 ITA synopsis, so I can go to sleep (I'm beat!)

- Sunday AM race: Amy with the win and new lap record for south chicane couse; Hunter, Bettencourt very close behind. The protest was one filed by Dave Patten, a GTL driver, against Andy Bettencourt for rough driving. Protest was resolved with each driver getting one point against their licenses (that's right: BOTH). I've seen the tapes and heard witness report from Hunter who was following, but I'll let Andy chime in here before I offer an opinion.

- Sunday afternoon race: Richie in 1st with Andy about half an overlapping car-length behind under the checker, and Amy in very close pursuit. Amy led 3/4 of the race until an "altercation" with Hunter in T3. No new track record, although Bettencourt was less than 1/10 of a second behind the existing NASCAR 1/2 course record. We need to re-pore through the points to make sure, but it apears Amy has clinched the NARRC championship with this last finish.

Unofficial trackside viewer report in ITS: very close battles, with Van Steenburg winning Saturday in his Miata and sunday in his Porsche.

ITC: Eric Parham all the way!
The protest was one filed by Dave Patten, a GTL driver, against Andy Bettencourt for rough driving. Protest was resolved with each driver getting one point against their licenses (that's right: BOTH). I've seen the tapes and heard witness report from Hunter who was following, but I'll let Andy chime in here before I offer an opinion.

With respect for the SOM's I won't really offer up much. Needless to say I am not 100% in agreement with the decision (how does that saying go...if both sides are not completely happy, then the decision was probably the right one?). I received a 'repremand' with no change to the results. This type of ruling does carry a 1 point penalty per the GCR. Both parties agreed to move forward with no hard feelings.

Sounds like there's more to the story. Reading between the lines, it sounds like there were some retalitory hits by the protesting driver. A Stewards decision that places guilt in both camps has to have been made with some solid evidence against the protester, I would think. But I wasn't there, and am just trying to think logically.

Any following video? Or video of any kind?
I will say that Andy Bettencourt’s in-car film does provide sound evidence of “Rough Driving” by both Andy and myself. I am sure that Richie Hunter’s witness report was most damning for myself and certainly was what finalized the SOM’s decision to take action against me.

Andy, would you please post a link to the film footage you provided the SOM’s showing the three points of contact between us, from turn 10 thru entering the front straight. I would be more than willing to explain my side of the story after that footage has been made available to the viewers of this message board.

Dave Patten
Dunbarton, NH
#21 Datsun 510, GTL
I will say that Andy Bettencourt’s in-car film does provide sound evidence of “Rough Driving” by both Andy and myself. I am sure that Richie Hunter’s witness report was most damning for myself and certainly was what finalized the SOM’s decision to take action against me.

Andy, would you please post a link to the film footage you provided the SOM’s showing the three points of contact between us, from turn 10 thru entering the front straight. I would be more than willing to explain my side of the story after that footage has been made available to the viewers of this message board.

Dave Patten
Dunbarton, NH
#21 Datsun 510, GTL

I thought Andy was very good about not pointing any fingers and turning this into a pissing match.....Why don't we keep it this way? (and remember, you're on an IT site so you may not get as much sympathy as you would expect/hope for/deserve/not deserve, whatever........) Plus, there are other facts other than the video that add to the "drama".
I will say that Andy Bettencourt's in-car film does provide sound evidence of "Rough Driving" by both Andy and myself. I am sure that Richie Hunter's witness report was most damning for myself and certainly was what finalized the SOM's decision to take action against me.

Andy, would you please post a link to the film footage you provided the SOM's showing the three points of contact between us, from turn 10 thru entering the front straight. I would be more than willing to explain my side of the story after that footage has been made available to the viewers of this message board.

Dave Patten
Dunbarton, NH
#21 Datsun 510, GTL


I agree with Jeff. If you want it to be over, then let it be over. If I post the video I feel it will spur on debate that will become non-productive. We are on opposing sides of an issue, the ruling is final in my eyes (I have no intention of appealing the severity of your penalty) and I want to put a situation I am frustrated with behind me. We both could have done some things differently and I hope we both learned something.
Over 600 images are now online at the usual spot, including an interesting series:


Over 600 images are now online at the usual spot, including an interesting series:



Doug - Like always you have some very good pictures there.

On the picture above are you suggesting that the fast line through 3 is not in the grass?

:D :D
in a nutshell... last weekend all around sucked for me...
  1. Changed the transmission 4 times in my car in 2 days :dead_horse: I did learn A LOT though and we know how do prepair for future transmission problems.
    • Saturday Qualifying: 3rd lap, car gets stuck in 4th gear... broken syncro (sp)
    • Saturday Race: different transmission - No 2nd gear. Overheated tranny/clutch and melted the rubber bushings in the linkage
    • Sunday Qualifying: Another new transmission.... things didn't line up, long story, but end thoughts are that the tranny is bound up . Still shifted through all the gears so went out to qualify. Burnt up clutch within 1 lap, came in on lap 2 I think
    • Sunday Race: Tried rebuilding a tranny between qualifying and sundays race, was unsuccessful.... put back in the bound up tranny and did one lap to get 1 point for the NARRC series.
  2. Points battle... I had things all set, but as the results show, I didn't do so well. Now Tim Mullen is leading the NARRC points in ITB and my brother and I are tied for 2nd. The NARRC Runoffs will determine whome finishes in what order for the top 3 spots in ITB. Should be interesting, but NOT what I had planned.
  3. Had to work, not that I mind that at all, but it was hard as it involved 2 people whom I respect and like a lot.
  4. Didn't get to watch much racing.... :bash_1_: I really really wanted to watch some races!!!

Ok I did see a few races on Sunday...

First... congrats to Ed Funk.... I like Eric alot, but he does need some competition!!! It was a good battle while it lasted :)

While that was great, the best race though was the ITA race on Sunday from what I saw. Greg, Andy and Richie put on a great show!!!

In ITB I herd, but did not witness their was a great race on saturday between Rob and Tim and then on Sunday it was a great chace for the lead, but Rob just cound't get Derek to mess up... Congrats to Derek on a great weekend in ITB with 2 victory's!!!

Special congrats go to Tim Mullen from myself... we have not concentrated on the NERRC series, however going into this weekend realizing that it was a possibility to win NERRC, we did try our hardest, and we got completely @$$ whipped by you!!! Congrats on a well earned NERRC ITB Championship, you certainly deserve the title of champion :smilie_pokal: Good luck for the NARRC championship :cavallo:

Raymond "I said 4 weekend ago things can only get better... errrr" Blethen
I don't think the stewards would need to see the video to make a ruling on that "incident"!! :P

I heard on Friday someone discussing how ITA is the new Spec Miata (as in, over aggressiveness) OUCH

Classic line of the weekend:

Guy #1 - Why don't you adjust your tire pressures to xxx?
Guy #2 - But that will make my car over steer....
Guy #1 - What's your car doing now??
Guy #2 - Understeering.............. :wacko:

Sorry J, couldn't resist!!

Except for the one hour Saturday afternoon, perfect weather!!

Hows this for a mix of cars, Top 5 in race #1: Nissan, Teg, Miata, Saturn, Honda

I have to say a "thank you" to a few people for this past weekend, and the major efforts put in...

Justin Abbott, Randy Schneiderheinze, Tom Grey, and My Brother for the long hours and late nights from Thursday through sunday

Dad- Some behind the sceens advice

Mom- taking cars of all the small things that are really big things.

"The Girls" Margaret, Stephanie, Theresa, and Heather for dealing with us beeps... ummm yeah thank you for real, you were all great and despite what we may say, we absolutely LOVE it when you are at the race track :).

Brian Muchnick- Tried his hardest to build me a new transmission, but we were under the gun and just didn't have the right tools or enough time/parts. Thank again Brian, your help was greatly appreciated.
it looks like i missed all the fun. i showed up on friday ran 2 laps in my civic and broke. i was very surprissed by how many A guys were the testing and the pictures and some of the reports it looks like some very intense racing. did i miss the note about the prize fund? Congrats to greg for the narrc. last year it was a huge releif not having to rely on the runoffs to win. to andy and dave try and move on.i know it stinks when there is 2 people used and abused and mad at each other.
Guy #1 - Why don't you adjust your tire pressures to xxx?
Guy #2 - But that will make my car over steer....
Guy #1 - What's your car doing now??
Guy #2 - Understeering.............. :wacko:

Sorry J, couldn't resist!!


I am always good for at least some laugh for the weekend.

Last time it was the stewards and this time it was my lack of brains!!

The good news is that from this odd discussion with Jeff I made some fairly drastic tire pressure changes and wow!! Is that how a car is suppose to drive? :happy204: :happy204:

Another conclusion for me this weekend is that I suck at qualifying. I do not push myself near hard enough. I think Matt Miskoe was shocked when he saw me catch him for both races after starting way back!

Sorry to any ITB guys if my Black Integra was in the way as I was going through ITB traffic as I tried to not get in the way of any of the points battles.

I seem to like making my life difficult starting from the back of the field. :wacko: :wacko: