Chumpcar @ Watkins Glen?


New member
Is SCCA receptive to allowing Chumpcar to run a 6 hr evening eduro @ WGI?
Split the cost. Give CHumpcar from 4 till 10:00 sat eve?
The Enduro would also be open to IT cars that would register with Chumpcar.
Maybe both clubs could show a small profit this way.
You'd have to talk to the SCCA region execs running the event. Or, more actually, renting the track from ISC, the owner of the Glen.

I suspect that an issue might be the Glens' allowable hours of operation. I think it's rare that they go past 6PM. IIRC, there are steep overtime costs associated with late running. perhaps local ordinances as well. I THINK I remember some Pro races running longer, but obviously, the money is different for those events.

Ignoring how obtaining permission from WGI to run that late would be nearly impossible, the overtime cost would equal roughly 75% of the daily rental fee.

Scott Moller
While it would be cool, I think it would be pretty much impossible given the bureaucracy that is Watkins Glen. IIRC, the last race that intentionally ran that late was the old Firehawk 24hr race back in the 80's. That was a great race BTW. We went in '88, and come morning, many of the cars looked like extras from the set of The Road Warrior. :D Heard stories of guys pulling into the pits and parking for a couple of hours because they didn't have enough co-drivers and were exceeding their allowed on-track time.
So far, I have a OT price of 2900$ per hr. Plus the track rental fee.
Now need to get a budget from the Chumpcar Chief and find a club to work with.
72 cars started @ Nelson today for the longest Road Race in the world, 25hr, 25 min , 25 sec. There is a strong market there right now.