New member
I've been press-ganged onto the New Track Committee, and so I'm no longer attending Club Racing Board meetings. We need a few IT drivers to step up and start attending. The Blethens frequently attend, and a few other IT drivers drop in, but you can help keep your fellow IT racers up to date, and bring issues of concern to the board's attention, by attending regularly.
These meetings include the same amazing volunteers we see at the track every race weekend. It's not too much to ask that a couple of drivers give a few hours back once a month!
Meetings are held in Worcester, MA, the last Friday of most months. They begin at 7:30pm. Why not drop in tonight? For directions, visit www.beechwoodhotel.com.
No need to contact me about this; just show up, you will be welcomed by all!
Steve U
Flatout Motorsports
05 ITS
These meetings include the same amazing volunteers we see at the track every race weekend. It's not too much to ask that a couple of drivers give a few hours back once a month!
Meetings are held in Worcester, MA, the last Friday of most months. They begin at 7:30pm. Why not drop in tonight? For directions, visit www.beechwoodhotel.com.
No need to contact me about this; just show up, you will be welcomed by all!
Steve U
Flatout Motorsports
05 ITS