CNG - un-orthodox SCCA racing concepts..


New member
Since we are on the topic of un-orthodox SCCA racing concepts...and this would be off topic on the turbo thread:

Let's go "green" with CNG racing in IT... "Racing & CNG? Really..." you say. Just google CNG racing or CNG racing cars. Here's a proof of concept of what VW can do. Folks have been thinking about this years, including me. LOVE IT:

I wonder (probably not) if the GCR would be "room" for CNG tank safety provisions. Not that I take a Euro VW and race it in IT... ITE perhaps... or build a Civic GX into a ITB car... uh (not at least w/o a manual tranny swap allowance).

Too bad I have no money. Cheers!
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Looking at that same Civic (there's a fleet of them here in Syracuse, NY) I actually drafted a white paper of sorts last year, intended to explore the issues/technology of CNG for presentation to the Club Racing department.

However, I set it aside when I fell out of favor with the PTBs re: the CRB, its relationship with the ITAC, and my subsequent resignation from the Ad Hoc committee. Frankly, I have every reason to believe that some individuals among the decision makers are likely to view anything that comes from me as poison. If anyone would like to lead the charge on this, I'll gladly send them what I have.

CNG is almost certainly a SAFER fuel than gasoline. It is lighter than air so any release dissipates naturally and quickly. There are DOT requirements on CNG fuel bottles that include resisting a gunshot, and the transportation industry views them as safe enough that they are used in public transport and school buses.

The only substantive downsides I identified were related to viability for endurance racing - limited mileage on a tank and a lack of any affordable technology to fill bottles quickly.

I've got two public stations within 5 miles of my house.

Map your track at but don't get too confident in advance. :)

A household refueling "appliance" called Phill is - or was - available, but it cost $3000 and was an overnight deal. There's some indication on the Web that the manufacturer has declared bankruptcy.
